Which picture mode are those settings on CaptainRAVE?
Have saved it under 'Gamer 1', is that what you meant?
I believe they are au optronics (part of the BenQ group). Either M270Q002 or a slightly newer revision.
(If the information I have is correct then unlike other 120/144Hz panels which basically worked off an existing TN design these started life as a spin off from AHVA development and started life closer to a HFFS design - the resulting panel however as used here is still very much a TN).
When you edit the settings it depends what picture mode you're currently using to how it will look. Those settings on FPS 1 picture mode for example look a lot different to the same settings on the standard picture mode.
I've just posted in the AMD thread about poor GPU usage.
I'll try those parameters.
If it was to hang on a wall how far would it come out roughly ?
Also, I was getting poor performance overall on Arma 3 and I come to realise that I never set my game parameters to use more Vram as I have gone up to 1440p so it is silky smooth now.
-cpuCount=8 -maxMem=8192 -maxVRAM=4096 -noSplash -skipIntro -world=Altis -noPause
I will add the fix on the first post.
245cm seems mega thick?