BenQ XL2730Z Freesync Owners Thread

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So i do turn the monitor off first? then hold down menu for 5 seconds, (button 4 starting from the bottom or top?) then hold down power button + menu till i see the The regular service menu?

I can't get this up.. just need to found out what firmware i have, as now i'm back to windows 8.1, i still can't get free sync to be shown in CCC.

Frustrating lol


You're supposed to hold it down until the LED's flash (or until the display appears), but I don't know if the 2730Z still has the white LED's.

Once you get the display, the regular service menu is activated by button #4 (menu) and if you unlocked the factory menu (by button #3+#4) when powering on, button #5 enters the factory menu.

This is the factory menu (aka service menu #2 or the burn-in menu)

This is the regular service menu
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Tried all that, but now i can't get a picture with displayport lol what a pain of a monitor!!!
Even games run crap now, stuttering , i have to go back down to 1080p even lowering the settings, and get crappy ghosty look on replays.
On my old monitor, it's fine.. only got this for 1440p and freesync, so not sure what the problem is!!
i give in now lol back to crappie 1080p.. least it's smooth but crap tearing.
Rant over

p.s amd sort ya life out with you're dam drivers.
Tried all that, but now i can't get a picture with displayport lol what a pain of a monitor!!!
Even games run crap now, stuttering , i have to go back down to 1080p even lowering the settings, and get crappy ghosty look on replays.
On my old monitor, it's fine.. only got this for 1440p and freesync, so not sure what the problem is!!
i give in now lol back to crappie 1080p.. least it's smooth but crap tearing.
Rant over

p.s amd sort ya life out with you're dam drivers.

Mate, you are doing something wrong.

a) you shouldn't be anywhere near the service menus. You break things there at your own peril, and your own head. Is not AMD fault, nor BenQ.

b) Have you connected the monitor with DP cable to your DP port of your monitor? It ONLY accepts passive mDP to DP converter. No other converter will work. (use the cable came with the monitor).

c) Uninstall the Catalyst drivers. Use DDU. (you need few reboots, and one safe mode reboot).

d) Reset the monitor from the normal menu to the default settings. No AMA, no Blur Reduction. (the last only makes your screen darker, cannot understand why someone could use it if not playing games like EVE or Elite).

e) Install the catalyst.

f) If still fails buy a DP cable, that is compatible with Freesync, and not cheap crap.

g) Freesync when active, works at 40hz+ not 20

h) If you have crossfire, and you want to use Freesync, you need to deactivate the crossfire, with custom game profile in CCC.
Hell I have even manage that, with the 295X2.

i) 15.5 cat. You need to remake ALL your custom game profiles either way. You will be experiencing issues, if you use previous driver version CCC profiles on some games.
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Mate, you are doing something wrong.

a) you shouldn't be anywhere near the service menus. You break things there at your own peril, and your own head. Is not AMD fault, nor BenQ.

b) Have you connected the monitor with DP cable to your DP port of your monitor? It ONLY accepts passive mDP to DP converter. No other converter will work. (use the cable came with the monitor).

c) Uninstall the Catalyst drivers. Use DDU. (you need few reboots, and one safe mode reboot).

d) Reset the monitor from the normal menu to the default settings. No AMA, no Blur Reduction. (the last only makes your screen darker, cannot understand why someone could use it if not playing games like EVE or Elite).

e) Install the catalyst.

f) If still fails buy a DP cable, that is compatible with Freesync, and not cheap crap.

g) Freesync when active, works at 40hz+ not 20

h) If you have crossfire, and you want to use Freesync, you need to deactivate the crossfire, with custom game profile in CCC.
Hell I have even manage that, with the 295X2.

i) 15.5 cat. You need to remake ALL your custom game profiles either way. You will be experiencing issues, if you use previous driver version CCC profiles on some games.

I wanted to find out if it had the latest firmware, as i'm reading people having there collected to have the firmware updated..
Ok, i tested BF4, now that i got it working. 1080p runs nice.. 1440p, i have to turn AA off in game, or the mouse lags, and it isn't smooth at all..
that's using a 290X. would that sound correct ? would be spot on if crossfire worked. so to me, seems 290X isn't enough for smooth game play at 1440 maxed out ?, unless something isn't correct with my windows?

Cheers for you're help ;)
I wanted to find out if it had the latest firmware, as i'm reading people having there collected to have the firmware updated..
Ok, i tested BF4, now that i got it working. 1080p runs nice.. 1440p, i have to turn AA off in game, or the mouse lags, and it isn't smooth at all..
that's using a 290X. would that sound correct ? would be spot on if crossfire worked. so to me, seems 290X isn't enough for smooth game play at 1440 maxed out ?, unless something isn't correct with my windows?

Cheers for you're help ;)

On games that do support CF, I see no reason to have it off, so you can have Freesync.

For me Freesync was a salvation for games that do not support CF, and I play many hours per day, like World of Tanks/Warships, Armored Warfare, TESO

Games that do support it like Total War (Arena, Rome 2, Attila) I have CF on, AMA ON and is fine. :D
On games that do support CF, I see no reason to have it off, so you can have Freesync.

For me Freesync was a salvation for games that do not support CF, and I play many hours per day, like World of Tanks/Warships, Armored Warfare, TESO

Games that do support it like Total War (Arena, Rome 2, Attila) I have CF on, AMA ON and is fine. :D

I thought no games support it yet due to drivers from amd, hence the rant lol!
But i will see if BF4 supports crossfire with freesync.

I thought no games support it yet due to drivers from amd, hence the rant lol!
But i will see if BF4 supports crossfire with freesync.


We do not have Freesync support with Crossfire, but that doesn't mean you cannot run crossfire.

The monitor will work as "normal", with Freesync turned off, automatically.
up2nogood even with FreeSync enabled 1440p Ultra PRESET BF4 brings a 290X to its knees, with the resolution increase its overall rendering is at 177-178% of what 1080p was it will certainly stutter I understand every hardware config is different but it will be massively demanding even utilizing the Mantle feature

I have no idea how but for as bland as it can look at times BF4 is hugely demanding on hardware. I think to play 1440p crossfire 290X I had selected ultra present and moved across to CUSTOM and disabled the post-process AA (or set low-medium) and multisampling AA set to OFF to acheive 144 high-average ... so often 144 solid and over but rarely dips under 144

CrossFireX FreeSync is going to be MEGA.:D
I tested protect cars, it's not bad if settings are lower. but higher it's not so good with free sync.. if i turn free sync off, it's fine on high levels. been trying BF4 on 1440p with it on, it's not great unlessi turn setting down.. if i turn freesync off, with AA off, AP LOW, Then it runs excellent on 1 card. but the odd thing is, it plays so smooth with no stutter or tearing at all, and i have fussy eyes. so any idea why this is? even tho i have disable free sync? hopefully better driver in time will make freesync even better
Well i got my advanced replacement last night, and i played with this for one night before shipping my old monitor back to them.

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old one had a defective line of pixels that would randomly go dead or change random colors that i had to tap the back of the monitor to fix. It also needed the updated firmware.
up2nogood even with FreeSync enabled 1440p Ultra PRESET BF4 brings a 290X to its knees, with the resolution increase its overall rendering is at 177-178% of what 1080p was it will certainly stutter I understand every hardware config is different but it will be massively demanding even utilizing the Mantle feature

I have no idea how but for as bland as it can look at times BF4 is hugely demanding on hardware. I think to play 1440p crossfire 290X I had selected ultra present and moved across to CUSTOM and disabled the post-process AA (or set low-medium) and multisampling AA set to OFF to acheive 144 high-average ... so often 144 solid and over but rarely dips under 144

CrossFireX FreeSync is going to be MEGA.:D

From testing, even 2x 290X isn't enough maxed out @ 1440p on BF4 with you want smoothness. bring on crossfire freesync support :D
How did u find out u needed updated firmware?

Well when i purchased my monitor I was having screen flickering issues while running at 144hz with a display port cable. So i started poking around on the internet for tech support and found this thread. Later i found out it was just my cable causing the flickering, but because i had found this thread I also learned about the AMA and freesync functions not working together in this monitor and that BENQ was going to have a firmware update to fix on it. I knew my monitor had the old firmware because i purchased it almost 2 months ago now and the new firmware was only recently released.
Excluding firmware problems, are people generally happy with this monitor? It seems to get good reviews. The £500 ASUS Freesync IPS monitor is competing at a similar price point, but has a couple of flaws that have put me off. Is the BenQ a good example of a fast gaming TN screen with decent colours for its class?

I realise there are reviews out there, but sometimes it's nice to hear it from the horse's mouth :)
Excluding firmware problems, are people generally happy with this monitor? It seems to get good reviews. The £500 ASUS Freesync IPS monitor is competing at a similar price point, but has a couple of flaws that have put me off. Is the BenQ a good example of a fast gaming TN screen with decent colours for its class?

I realise there are reviews out there, but sometimes it's nice to hear it from the horse's mouth :)

I truly like my Benq XL2730z. I play a lot of COD AW and it is awesome! I can't complain about this monitor, even though I have the 295x2 and can't play with Freesync enabled, it still looks great and exceeds all my expectations.
Excluding firmware problems, are people generally happy with this monitor? It seems to get good reviews. The £500 ASUS Freesync IPS monitor is competing at a similar price point, but has a couple of flaws that have put me off. Is the BenQ a good example of a fast gaming TN screen with decent colours for its class?

I realise there are reviews out there, but sometimes it's nice to hear it from the horse's mouth :)

Agreeing with Ocus above. (I have a 295X2 also).

I have the monitor 2 months now, and is superb.
Cannot stress it enough how great the monitor is.
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