Since you are actually looking to put money aside each month then a regular saver would probably be your best bet, they tend to have higher rates than standard savers, you can get them in the 7% range, but unfortuantely they generally restrict the monthly deposit to 200 - 250.
Depending how easy it is for you to open other accounts, now that you live abroad, First Direct (who are linked with HSBC) offer a regular saver of 7% @ max £300 / month and you could put any excess in a standard saver, there's plenty of those around the 4.5 - 5% mark. Chase/Chip/Atom, all app only banks that are easy to open and manage.
Thanks, opened an FD account yesterday, with Regular Savers account. Will get an extra £175 switching from my HSBC account to them which is a nice bonus.