Best storyline in a game!

1 Sep 2003
I don't know about everyone else but to me a good storyline really enhances games no end and immerses players, making games much more exciting.

What are you favorite games that feature great storylines?

My number one storyline in a game would have to be Final Fantasy 7.

Runners up include: Mafia, Deus Ex, Planescape Torment and Silent Hill 1.
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KOTOR 1+2 and Faienheit

All three of those games dragged me in so much that I couldnt ever put them down
Not many developers tend to focus on storylines really despite a few runaway successes. I guess it’s harder to sell than say good graphics.

I genuinely can't wait till we get to the stage where games have movie style storylines; even if they were linear as hell I'd still be a happy bunny.
Deus Ex
Knights of the Old Republic I
Knights of the Old Republic II (Less so)
Jedi Knight II
tbh no game has ever even come close the storyline of final fantasy 7, and i think it'll be a damn long time before any will
FF7 was good - certainly not the best though.

Deux Ex tops it for me - mainly due to the huge depth of it, plus its branching.
Mafia was just awesome, still one of my all time greats.
KOTOR, for me, had real character depth which just made it one of the most engaging of all.
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