Best storyline in a game!

Metal Gear series is posably most memerable, but half life, hl2 is deffinatly my favurate. Final Fantasy 8 is best of the ff series in my mind. would really like to see a ff film based on that game featuring the ragnarok in battle and clawing into buildings ;)

RedFaction 1 is also very memerable for me, the sequal was pretty bad though :/. Also freelancer story was pretty intense but way to short.
miracleboy said:
Shenmue on the Dreamcast.

EDIT - oops wrong forum, but still Shenmue. :p

Ah a game is a game! :D

Yeah Shenmue had a good story but I never got the sequel so I'll have to wait a while to find out how that turned out.
A lot of people bigging up Grim Fandango here, I might have to check it out. I do remember it getting a rave review in PCZ, but it wasn't really my sort of game at the time.
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