Best storyline in a game!

Emo_hug said:
you might want to pop over to Link
If you've not seenit yet

Interesting thread though I've got far too much anime to catch up on to even think about getting hold of anymore ;)

Introducing the missus to Wolf's Rain and BSG has taken up far too much time :p
Metal Gear Solid
System Shock 2
Chronicles of Riddick - EFBB
Half Life 2 (though im still playin through it for the first time, thoroughly enjoyin it so far)
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (quality!) :)
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lol yeah i thought about it, but seein as i STILL havnt completed it, i didnt include it

edited though :) and will finish it now!! :)
I'm honestly very surprised no one has said the Max Payne saga....

For me that game wins by a mile - helped by the fact that it is SOO immersive and real... the characterisation of Max is amazing for a computer game, you really feel what he "feels" and achieve almost total empathy... it's a truly amazing experience playing through those games... just a work of brilliance
SW KOTOR hands down, the ending based on what you do in the game is a quality idea

Morrowind + oblivion for being and feeling like a true hero when you do the main storyline and visit cities and chat to the same people cheering you etc lol.

KOTOR ending for me being sith and seeing my fleet of star destroyers pouring out across the galaxy made me smile
Fighter Ace?

I remember this on 56k - especially the ongoing war part of it ... it got me into onlime gaming.

I remember the joys of diving on an unsuspecting zero in my Hurricane and hitting the fuel tank :)

Or strafing the US airbase in my Yak :p
I really enjoyed the ending to Max Payne 2; nearly shed a tear! :o

But my favourites have to be the Silent Hill series; the games had bucketloads of atmosphere and the stories really sucked you in.
aye the max paynes had good stories in them... as lets be honest the games were pretty rubbish after an hour or so.... run along, slow mo dive round corner... kill everyone in room... run along, slow mo dive round corner, kill everyone in room... run along (do u see the pattern)

trying to think of somethin that nobody else has already mentioned but all the classics have been said already.. baldurs gate maybe?
Hmmm.... No particular order, but my faves include Baldurs Gate 2, The 3 Kingdoms Saga (The one that dynasty warriors is based on), perhaps Call of Duty 1/2... since it's one of the biggest wars weve had if the story isnt in depth then what help is there for man kind? :p
The one that most impressed me at the time was AvP2. Not each plot on its own, but the way they all fitted together. But frankly pretty much all computer game plots can politely be described as somewhere between "basic" and "cliche".

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