Best storyline in a game!

KOTOR, Starcraft and Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. The last game was pretty easy, not much of a game really but a story with passion and great characters. It's worth playing that game just for the story alone. Not enjoyed a gaming experience as much for quite a while.
Half Life 2 and FEAR for me, just so gripping storys and keep you playing mainly for the storyline, towards both endings, they get like interactive storys :cool:
titaniumx3 said:
I really enjoyed the ending to Max Payne 2; nearly shed a tear! :o

Especially the end credits music - Poets of the Fall - "Late Goodbye" absolutely perfect and I think the only game where I have sat through the whole credits because the song was so perfect for the ending of the game.

Damn I don't think we will ever see such a perfect immersive story as that...
Any of the Lucasarts point and click adventures.
Thief and Thief II.
Kings Quest V and VI
Another World.
Beneath A Steel Sky.
Max Payne.
Planscape torment had a GREAT storyline, the whole game was more like a novel in the first place. I can't get enough of amnesia storylines, total recall style! :D

Edit: Also Soul Reaver games, how complicated did Soul Reaver 2 make the series!
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