Best youtubers to follow?

Generally a tool though.

He's irritating as hell when he has a few other people that are also trying to give opinion's he basically shouts over the top of them like his opinion\voice must be heard above all others. Same as when he interviews people, never knows when to shut his hole.
AngryJoe makes the difference where others complain but he complains fifty times louder then (key point) provides sensible solutions all with a flair of comedy. Take Colonial Marines giving birth to Alien Isolation for example.

I only notice him talking over that larger guy, Delrith, and going by body language alone it seems like he doesn't like him but suffers him for the wealth of knowledge he provides.

I can't stand his 'AJ plays...' videos but his reviews for both movies but especially games are brilliant. Maybe it's because his taste lines up very well with mine bar the fantasy crap.
Don't know if he has already been mentioned in here but StoneMountain64 cracks me up. Especially when he drops into random BF4 lobby's and plays in character.
I watch FunHaus pretty much everyday. They have a few fun shows they do. I think their best shows are Demo Disk where they play really old demo disks people have sent them and the occasional Steam Roulette. If you enjoy them watch their older stuff from when they were Inside Gaming (has been relaunched since but not as good with the new people)

Don't know if he has already been mentioned in here but StoneMountain64 cracks me up. Especially when he drops into random BF4 lobby's and plays in character.

I have a good chuckle to his videos.
FRANKIEonPC! (does it in his spare time and has no interest in making it a job, has an awesome voice)
always thoroughly entertaining and highly interesting videos but he heavily edits the videos and I suspect a lot of it is staged.

Frankie has done a new video recently which is excellent - he also joins up with 'Sadaplays' and 'Jack Frags' - both have YouTube channels and both these stream on Twitch. Sada is absolutely hillarious. All Arma 2/3 Dayz based of course. Jack does quite a bit of variety with BF1 most recently.

Again, on the Arma theme, 'VissGames' is very good to watch and mainly does Player Unknowns Arma 3 mod: Battle Royale (great game BTW).

For a Yank, 'OperatorDrewski' has some good Arma content as well. Notice a theme here? ;):D

To be honest I'm mostly into following players on Twitch these days as I quite like the live interaction side. Again Battle Royal mod for Arma 3 is very good from a spectator's point of view and some very good quality streamers out there (some do make content from streams).

Frankie is definitely king of YouTube gaming videos IMO though. Shame he works as it'd be great to see more content from the guy.
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I can only assume the average viewer of these channels is very young cause I can't for the life of me see how any fully grown man would waste their time watching someone else play a video on youtube... It's bizarre on so many levels.

There are games that I've missed, that are old (and would require work to get running), that I'm just curious about.

The original System Shock is one that I watched some footage of. Didn't manage a complete Let's Play tho, it was tedious.

I was then glad that I hadn't bothered buying it from GoG.

System Shock 2 is of course one of the most awesome games ever, but I'll be damned if I'm going to ever play the original.

So I watched the intro, the opening level, skipped to about 1/2 way, skipped to the end... watched the closing cinematic. I then knew all I wanted to know about SS1, and knew that I never wanted to play it myself.

I don't follow any LP'ers. I do however see the usefulness of having LP's on YT.

Another use is obviously to pick up tips and strategy from other players. A modern day Strategy Guide.
I just love Zero Punctuation. Perfect short youtube reviews.

Trouble is after watching his videos there's nothing I want to play anymore :p Just seen his Deus Ex vid and have practically no interest in that game anymore (I did watch another vid which largely agreed).

I find his criticisms are normally valid.
Frankie is definitely king of YouTube gaming videos IMO though. Shame he works as it'd be great to see more content from the guy.

He's entertaining, just a shame he does sponsored videos.

You should checkout Soviet Womble if you havent already. Similar to Frankie and sometimes plays the odd game with him. They play a lot of Arma 3 semi serious with command chains etc on twitch.
AngryJoe makes the difference where others complain but he complains fifty times louder then (key point) provides sensible solutions all with a flair of comedy. Take Colonial Marines giving birth to Alien Isolation for example.

I only notice him talking over that larger guy, Delrith, and going by body language alone it seems like he doesn't like him but suffers him for the wealth of knowledge he provides.

I can't stand his 'AJ plays...' videos but his reviews for both movies but especially games are brilliant. Maybe it's because his taste lines up very well with mine bar the fantasy crap.
I miss the old Angry Joe. Too many movie reviews and very rarely does proper reviews anymore.
Lately I've been watching a lot of Northernlion; particularly his Rimworld LP as I wanted to see what the game was like, but I've also watched other videos by him before...

Don't really enjoy the channels who are so obviously trying way too hard, I much prefer people who are just being themselves and enjoying playing the games together (early Game Grumps, Super Beard Bros, Jesse Cox sometimes)
I just love Zero Punctuation. Perfect short youtube reviews.

As do I, but he's one who's opinion I very rarely take seriously. He's a classic example of the difference between 'critics' and 'reviewers' for me. There's value in both of course, but I would never buy or disregard a game based on his opinions.
She is not my type and i dont mean how she looks but her personality while on cam annoys me greatly :P.. But that is the beauty of the internet i can just not watch. If she is genuine then the best of luck to her.
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