Generally a tool though.AngryJoeShow - for some humorous, bit generally (IMO) spot on game reviews.
Generally a tool though.
Don't know if he has already been mentioned in here but StoneMountain64 cracks me up. Especially when he drops into random BF4 lobby's and plays in character.
FRANKIEonPC! (does it in his spare time and has no interest in making it a job, has an awesome voice)
always thoroughly entertaining and highly interesting videos but he heavily edits the videos and I suspect a lot of it is staged.
I can only assume the average viewer of these channels is very young cause I can't for the life of me see how any fully grown man would waste their time watching someone else play a video on youtube... It's bizarre on so many levels.
I just love Zero Punctuation. Perfect short youtube reviews.
Frankie is definitely king of YouTube gaming videos IMO though. Shame he works as it'd be great to see more content from the guy.
I miss the old Angry Joe. Too many movie reviews and very rarely does proper reviews anymore.AngryJoe makes the difference where others complain but he complains fifty times louder then (key point) provides sensible solutions all with a flair of comedy. Take Colonial Marines giving birth to Alien Isolation for example.
I only notice him talking over that larger guy, Delrith, and going by body language alone it seems like he doesn't like him but suffers him for the wealth of knowledge he provides.
I can't stand his 'AJ plays...' videos but his reviews for both movies but especially games are brilliant. Maybe it's because his taste lines up very well with mine bar the fantasy crap.
I just love Zero Punctuation. Perfect short youtube reviews.
I know mate but she does not seem like the usual click bait type unless she is a very good actress!there are thousands of them mate.