US: Better Call Saul

I love Mike, but I do wonder how they're going to explain Mike in Better Call Saul looking the Father of Mike in Breaking Bad?
He always looked old as hell, they can say he stopped drinking or something. Fits the assassin role perfectly, strictly now just a tall glass of milk and dusting his plants for company.
I tried watching this when it first came out but gave after the second or third episode because I was so fed up with Chuck and his fake disease.

Having now had plenty of time and nothing else to do, I tried again and have gone all the way through to being up to date.

I still don't like the concept of that stupid non existent disease and I appreciate that's a big part of it but putting that aside, what a great series. It's introduced so many characters we're familiar with through BB and it's clearly getting close to the BB timeline now.

I'm really looking forward to the next series, I reckon that it'll be the final one and we'll see overlap into BB events.
Definitely missed this show. I'm starting to get a bit anxious about where Kim's storyline is leading. I don't want to say she's too good for Jimmy, but I can't see it ending well with "Saul" in the picture. I just hope it's nothing too tragic.
I'm really enjoying the start of the new season.

I assume the end scene was to remind us all that (However small) Kim can be an enabler of bad behaviour and she can be the "bad one" more than Jimmy?
Still has that slow burn feel to it and it's starting to shape up that this may be the season where we find out what happens to Kim,
trust Hank to be the first person to make fun of 'Saul Goodman'
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