BF Hardline Visceral Games

If people here buys this tripe they have no right in the future to cry about how big bad EA conned them out of money.
I don't think anybody here 'rates it' but - but I have been quite clear that I would prefer to reserve judgement until the actual full game comes out.

If the retail game is simply the same smaller scale game modes, then I would agree it's worth significantly less than what's currently being advertised.

The truth is, none of us can really conclusively say what it's going to be like and ultimately what it's worth until we have the full game.
Played about two hours of the beta and quite enjoyed it :D

Admittedly I haven't played a battlefield game since BF2, (except when i picked up bf3 for free a couple of weeks ago, played a couple of hours of that) so I've no idea how it compares to bf4.

Up to now though It's fun, but with such short rounds I can see it getting boring very quickly.
Wouldn't pay more than £15 for it.
Stuck this on briefly and maybe it's just because the only other fps I've spent any real time with is titanfall but movement just felt so slow.
at end of day the game will probably retail at normal bf price key sites will as always have it at 25-30 as usual.

at 10 pounds id probably get just to play with others. that is the only real value for me personally. there is nothing new in this game they just used the team that would make moh which is dead now to make a game that they thought people would want (gta crossed with payday) thing is they were never that great at moh and in my op the moh ip , series should have been kept and a ww2 game done instead of this game.
Battlefield Vietnam was still fun even though it was 1942 with Vietnam mod. Battlefield 2142 was BF2 with a future mod.

The fact it's BF4 with cops and robbers mod doesn't mean it will be a bad game. It may still actually be fun depending upon what they do. Titan mode defined 2142 and was one of the reasons 2142 was so much fun despite being a BF2 mod

That was fine 10 years ago.

Fast forward 10 years and the same thing is happening, except the 'mods' are getting worse than the previous 'mod'

And the new 'mods' are being released more frequently than 10 year ago by the look of things.

I think the amount of love shown for titan mode and requesting it come back shows how popular 2142 was.

Pitty that what we got in naval strike was nothing like :(
For pure simple full BF1942 was/is my favourite BF game, due to the huge scale, great dog fighting, subs, ship artillery (that required a spotter to use), at times weird physics that made everything even more interesting. And great maps.
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