BF Hardline Visceral Games


Perhaps delaying this is the worst thing to do - in terms of sales figures. ;)

So much nonsense with this franchise now.

BF4 and now this garbage is proof there is no infrastucture at all in the development process with BF. ;)

A chance for DICE/EA to redeem themselves IF they use this time wisely. Launching a proper, finished product could go a long way.

However, I have absolutely no faith at this point
The actual single player game looks really good. I really enjoyed watching the single player trailer and would happily play it. However, the multilayer is of no interest to me as it looks totally awful!

I wish some developers would allow a modular approach. For example:

  • Game = £45
  • Single Player = £20
  • Multiplayer and/or additional content £25

I know this isn't going to happen, but it would be nice if the options were available.

I think I'll wait for Rainbow Six: Siege - hoping its going to be any good!
Single player footage looks generic dull and boring. Considering I didn't like the Alpha/Beta MP I'll be giving this game a miss.

Far Cry 4 will be money better spent if looking for a SP experience.
Just looked at the E3 footage for Rainbow Six: Siege and it reminds me allot of CS which is a good thing.
It's a shame since the Battlefield was such a good series :(

Will probably pick this up when its under £20 (my usual limit for games these days) just for the single player as it looked alright.

I demand they remake BF1942 in the new engines!
SP.. the AI looks terrible... i mean anyone would have been able to hear or see him crawling around like that, with people shouting "argh" as he tasers them, but nobody hears.... come on. And then he gets shot a tonne of times but takes almost no damage. Looks poor to me.
Is this still going? didn't feel the gameplay in the beta came even close to capturing the spirit of the theme of the game and seen nothing ingame actually work out close to the trailers - most of it felt very fragmented and spread out with no real pacing.
We will wait and see. I am never pre-ordering a game ever again after being shafted many times over the last few years and not at all happy with the direction BF is going in, in general. I have high hopes for Hardline but who knows... the last 2 BFs have, for me, not been fun. Full of epic moments and cool effects but not "fun". Not in the BC2 kind of way. If they can turn that around then that will be awesome.
no :p

spoke to some people who played a updated version of this game and said its really playing well now. looking forward to trying a beta
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