BF Hardline Visceral Games

I'm at work and clearly missed this thread and beta. I have the game pre ordered from Origin, can I play the beta?
BF Hardline = Battlefield for kids

youll be fine then. :D

^^ I LOL'd very very much!

I then looked at the price EA want for this and lol'd even more.

Pass for me
Tried it and found it a bit lacking. Then on the second go got in a police van and it was playing "whoop whoop its the sound of the police" and I was completely won over :D

Has a bug where Teamviewer running in the background breaks it and mean it won't run in fullscreen, just borderless.
some modes are better and fun. does really help if you got someone who can fly helis .

unlocked a few decent guns now. does help.
Helis OP. Shotgun OP. I'm out. :p

And I am in.

Love flying the stupid OP heli with SC as my gunner. Even though I haven't unlocked anything yet ($3K off the $81K gun) it is super easy on dustbowl as there is so little cover. A flag is just a death zone for the enemies and there is so little they can do about you.
Played the conquest map Dust Valley/Bowl I think it is, Played to rank 8 and stopped playing don't really like it either, Good luck to this game it's out a week before GTA V on PC.
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