BF Hardline Visceral Games

So you can lose money by doing badly? So the good players get better, more powerful weapons which makes it easier to get better scores, earning you more weapons and unlocks, making it easier to....? Sounds like CoD kill streaks feeding off each other.
After hours play uninstalled it... laugh hard at EA pushing for full price on this game which i would class as fan made mods and far from AAA title...

It is purely the same old mechanics, nothing new at all gameplay. It is purely an updated mod of BF4.

How they had the nerve to initially release this garbage a year after BF4 at full price says it all. Unfortunately it will probably sell well on all formats though.

EA totally suck and i'm glad my gaming library will be EA free for the foreseeable future. :)

They should revert back to ignoring Battlefield on the PC and release this dross for the consoles only.
I did do a double take when I logged into origin and saw it was £60. Probably be a season pass too.

It does feel very much like a BF4 mod.
Tried very hard to like this beta but it seems worse than the previous one....honestly this game makes Cod advance warfare good.

It's £24 on CDkeys at present, EA are having a giraffe at £60! I'm enjoying it but wouldn't be paying full whack for it. Framerate seem's all over the place though, not as stable as BF4.
Caved in and decided to downloaded it. Gonna take a while though. Sli working ok in this, remember the bf4 beta was sketchy a bit with sli.
Tried very hard to like this beta but it seems worse than the previous one....honestly this game makes Cod advance warfare good.


I have to agree with you Zia...the concept seems good but the execution is fairly terrible, just feels like a mod and not a great one at that.

Not impressed at all despite trying really hard to like it.
Its ok but I the few games i just had ruined by so tool hacking, i also just thought the weapons seem very off just a real lack of control about them.

May give it a bit more of a go tomorrow but not that impressed so far.
- I think lock ons are battle pickups
-Transport chopper seems greatly re-enforced and not a death coffin
-Greater bullet drop in choppers (appears that way)
-There is a flare/beam for capture areas that choppers can easily see from the sky
-Mini map shows capture areas in a V shape cone
-M16a3 is back
- Good level design for the only conquest map
- Heist is meant to be fast paced
- I think when revived you have 100% health, so no defib charging required
-Perk reward system is better where you can chose on screen what you'd like to select
-Icon next to squad member list flashes if they need amo, med pack
- Levolution is not constant, ie the sandstorm disappears.
- Bikes are much easier to drive
- No visual suppression

-Low TTK. Seems a constant die, kill, die, kill scenario.
-Shotguns are OP
-Sniper rifles are under powered
- Got that one!....Got that one!....Got that one!....Got that one! (Voice overs are just annoying and constant)
- Players teleport (could be out of region players)
- The blur from the levolution effect is too intense
- Weapon sounds aren't impressive
- Destruction is still not at BC2 level

- Need to check if there is random weapon sway
- I think there are fps drops from Levolution events
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What is this hacking thing all about? Walked into a bit earlier and some hacked station unleashed some toxic gas or something?
I like the game but have no intention of buying it when it launches. GTA V coming out soon after then Witcher 3.

And too everyone complaining about shotguns. Bitch please. They have a time and a place, just like your beloved M16.

What is this hacking thing all about? Walked into a bit earlier and some hacked station unleashed some toxic gas or something?

Hacking is the hardline version of the BF4 Commander
-Icon next to squad member list flashes if they need amo, med pack

Havent tried it yet, but it goes beyond that too.

If you're near to a medic or support then you can 'snatch' the item without needing to spam requests, you get a little '[E] take health/ammo' message.

Also, same subject, there are defibs on the wall dotted around maps, and ammo lockers too. No idea if there are first-aid stations to match, as the defibs i think are like pickup weapons where you lose them once you switch weapon, so its only there to revive a downed teammate.

At least they're identifying problems and coming up with a half-decent solution.

So thats 1% of the game possibly improved... just 99% to go :D
I've played the PC and console versions today and no matter how much I try there nothing about it that I like.

The most fun is to be had in Hotwire I think and that's saying something as it just feels like a mod that someone may have done for BF4 - yes it's a bit of fun for short while but it's not something you want to be spending new game money on.

I'm not sure how this has improve since the last Beta, shotguns can 1 shot from across the room, yet again map that promote roof domination/camping, hotwire = noob tube fest and so it goes on.

The concept isn't bad at all, maybe they should have ditched more of the 'battlefield' and that way it wouldn't feel like a mod.
My quick thoughts after beta playing today.

- Seems fairly smooth gameplay for me (but not all)
- Hotwired mode is easy to rack up cash
- Conquest is nothing new
- Heist is gonna get boring real quick as it's shotgun nirvana
- £60 is taking the **** as it feels like a Mod
- Vehicle and weapon balance is off. Choppers & Shotties are OP'd.
60 pound this isnt news. bf4 was same everyone just buys from a key site.

for eg dragon age was same on origin. yet 26 quid key sites.

what im doing is unlocking stuff playing all modes then deciding.
downloaded it played 20 mins of it and then uni-stalled it, thats my consumption on it. there is no changes from the last beta how on earth can they call it battlefield as we know off, its a modified cops and robbers game. am sorry ea/dice you not getting £60 or even less for it from me .time will tell what gta be like roll on
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