BF Hardline Visceral Games

tried it last night - its not great

killcam shows you where you took the hits (eg head arm etc)
hotwire was fun just driving round and round really fast pointlessly lol
you get the option of which thing from a group you can unlock rather than everything in sequence
gunplay feels accurate and tight
teamplay could be better than bf on heist mode
dusty map feels like you are playing a game version of end of watch :D


insti death - far too many 1 shot deaths, yes shotgun kills should be powerfull but 1 shot? but then was getting nailed in 1 frame by most weapons
just makes the game turn into run around spam die run spam die CoD fest which is boring and pointless, and leaves no time for team play / playing the objective
it really is just a mod for bf so completely wrong pricing model
hotwire was pointless other than spamming noobtubes or rockets - not much other gunplay going on

if it was a £20 add on for BF4 id be tempted - ill be getting GTA instead
A couple of rounds of BF3 and I was able to forget the horror which was BFH beta last night. It was fun in places, but most of the time people (myself included) didn't seem to know what they were doing. Somewhat chaotic.

I was getting massive lag using the shotgun on heist. I'd fire point blank at someone, dive behind cover and then get the kill about 1/2 sec later.
Hotwire seems fun for a while.
I am not convinced on this new game. I was a bit disappointment. The maps are small. The hotwire game mode started ok quite enjoyable but after a while it became just driving around in circles and if you don't like driving then that game type is not for you. Heist was ok but got a bit annoyed chasing the package after a while. I ended up just going back to conquest, which is still fun. I think id just play conquest with all the new maps when it comes out but not that excited about it anymore. I thought the p90 seemed underwhelming compared to the bf4 p90, it was not different enough in its usage.

I did like a lot of the changes though, the load times are fast, the spawn map is better, the hud is better, the death cams are better, didn't crash once seems more stable, i actually liked the way you get money and can buy guns as you go instead of just getting them for doing silly tasks like in bf4.
I quite like it, its BF4 underneath but its just about different enough to make it interesting. At least for a little while. Its not worth £60 though. I might get it on sale later, but there are allot of good games out this year. Chances are that by the time this pops up again I'll be into something else. ESL aren't supporting it either, which takes a bit of the shine off of it for me.

It runs smoothly on my rig, no major performance annoyances yet. The only thing I don't like is how much recoil there is and how OP the choppers seem to be. Maybe after I've played it more I'll start to find more wrong with it.
Played a few minutes just now. Runs much smoother than vanilla bf4, (more like CTE bf4). Looks terrible though. Recoil on the weapons i did try seemed quite severe.
I quite like it, its BF4 underneath but its just about different enough to make it interesting. At least for a little while. Its not worth £60 though. I might get it on sale later, but there are allot of good games out this year. Chances are that by the time this pops up again I'll be into something else. ESL aren't supporting it either, which takes a bit of the shine off of it for me.

It runs smoothly on my rig, no major performance annoyances yet. The only thing I don't like is how much recoil there is and how OP the choppers seem to be. Maybe after I've played it more I'll start to find more wrong with it.

It was never going to bf a comp game anyway just like bf4 wasnt.

until they can take randomness and bad movement clunkyness and better hitreg . bf will never be a big comp game.

you can move a lot better faster but its still a bit clunky not fluid.

the performance is pretty good.
Played last night, my observations:

1) Runs nice and smoothly but I think that is down to point 2
2) Graphics are pretty bad - I assume textures etc are missing to keep the download size down
3) Recoil is obscene
4) Weapons seem underpowered but I always play hardcore so it may not be any different from BF4 in that regard
5) Animations etc look a bit old school and outdated
6) Conquest was good fun as the map was quite small and points easy to get to
7) Love the carjacking mode, original and a good break from conquest
8) Not worth £60 in a million years
It's a mod / expansion pack for BF4 (BF3?)... why the heck are they selling this as a brand new game?
My guess is that now that the moh series has been discontinued, ea need something to fill the gap between each proper bf game. Gotta keep the cash rolling in.:D
Played last night, my observations:

1) Runs nice and smoothly but I think that is down to point 2
2) Graphics are pretty bad - I assume textures etc are missing to keep the download size down
3) Recoil is obscene
4) Weapons seem underpowered but I always play hardcore so it may not be any different from BF4 in that regard
5) Animations etc look a bit old school and outdated
6) Conquest was good fun as the map was quite small and points easy to get to
7) Love the carjacking mode, original and a good break from conquest
8) Not worth £60 in a million years

Agree with most of that :)

My guess is that now that the moh series has been discontinued, ea need something to fill the gap between each proper bf game. Gotta keep the cash rolling in.:D

Would be nice if people would vote with their wallets... don't buy this :o

It's clearly an expansion pack/mod... and yes i know it's "just" a beta... I'd pay maybe £15 for it.
Thought I would pop my head in to see what people thought before I bothered downloading it... appears I shouldn't bother.

At the price the game will be it would have to be pretty special to pick it up.
Depends what you consider special I guess. I'm really enjoying it and its £49.99 on Origin, not £60. Thats the deluxe version. Mortal Kombat has a £200 version, you wouldn't call that a £200 game.

BF4 you could get a lot cheaper on CD key sites when it released, I don't see why Hardline would be any different. I'll be getting it though. Its a lot of fun.
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