tried it last night - its not great
killcam shows you where you took the hits (eg head arm etc)
hotwire was fun just driving round and round really fast pointlessly lol
you get the option of which thing from a group you can unlock rather than everything in sequence
gunplay feels accurate and tight
teamplay could be better than bf on heist mode
dusty map feels like you are playing a game version of end of watch
insti death - far too many 1 shot deaths, yes shotgun kills should be powerfull but 1 shot? but then was getting nailed in 1 frame by most weapons
just makes the game turn into run around spam die run spam die CoD fest which is boring and pointless, and leaves no time for team play / playing the objective
it really is just a mod for bf so completely wrong pricing model
hotwire was pointless other than spamming noobtubes or rockets - not much other gunplay going on
if it was a £20 add on for BF4 id be tempted - ill be getting GTA instead
killcam shows you where you took the hits (eg head arm etc)
hotwire was fun just driving round and round really fast pointlessly lol
you get the option of which thing from a group you can unlock rather than everything in sequence
gunplay feels accurate and tight
teamplay could be better than bf on heist mode
dusty map feels like you are playing a game version of end of watch
insti death - far too many 1 shot deaths, yes shotgun kills should be powerfull but 1 shot? but then was getting nailed in 1 frame by most weapons
just makes the game turn into run around spam die run spam die CoD fest which is boring and pointless, and leaves no time for team play / playing the objective
it really is just a mod for bf so completely wrong pricing model
hotwire was pointless other than spamming noobtubes or rockets - not much other gunplay going on
if it was a £20 add on for BF4 id be tempted - ill be getting GTA instead