BF Hardline Visceral Games

I bought this a few days ago an im surprisingly enjoying it. I find it slightly more arcadey than BF4 and often very very infuriating. I only really play small conquest mode and I started off really really well, racking up a few kills with not many deaths and plenty of points (usually in the top 4 of my team).

Then all of a sudden I couldn't shoot anything, every 1v1 encounter I would die and I couldn't seem to hit people at distance, things just didn't seem to go my way. Now I have found 'Hardcore' mode, for me I find it much more satisfying to play and generally feels a bit more responsive in term of killing the opposition. (Although Im sure that will change and i'll be raging again when I cant shoot ****).


One thing I am struggling with is what gun to choose and Operative (?). Most people are saying that the M16a3 and the AKM are supposed to be brilliant. Im ok with the m16 but the AKM has so much recoil I can barely hit anything.
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Jeebus I thought the normal mode was hardcore :D. M16 is amazing imo but I don't have the akm yet :(.

Haha yeah. I just seem to get on better with hardcore mode more so than the normal mode. Yeah I do like the M16 and even more now I have unlocked the optics for it. The AKM feels like trying to shoot while sat on a pneumatic drill.
I bought this a few days ago an im surprisingly enjoying it. I find it slightly more arcadey than BF4 and often very very infuriating. I only really play small conquest mode and I started off really really well, racking up a few kills with not many deaths and plenty of points (usually in the top 4 of my team).

Then all of a sudden I couldn't shoot anything, every 1v1 encounter I would die and I couldn't seem to hit people at distance, things just didn't seem to go my way. Now I have found 'Hardcore' mode, for me I find it much more satisfying to play and generally feels a bit more responsive in term of killing the opposition. (Although Im sure that will change and i'll be raging again when I cant shoot ****).


One thing I am struggling with is what gun to choose and Operative (?). Most people are saying that the M16a3 and the AKM are supposed to be brilliant. Im ok with the m16 but the AKM has so much recoil I can barely hit anything.

I think your experience is probably more to do with people unlocking stronger guns/unlocks (M416 etc) and everyone starting to know the maps.

Lol I'm going to get banned soon :(.
I really wouldn't both with digital deluxe. The ACR is not really worth it as it's rather easy to get the required cash for the M16A3/M416. Just play hotwire using objective boost.
Heavy and stubby is so OP I love it!

Good games mostly :). First base rape of hardline tonight lol. And the first land shark :D. I assume he was off to fight some alligators :D.
Picked this up £26 today, Enjoyed the beta thoroughly and half the bugs were hilarious. Played some story, It's surprisingly a lot of fun so far!

Maybe i've got a soft spot for the story though as i've been on a CSI/24 binge and it feels like them shows haha.

Not sure why people are slating that it's ****, imo it's really not, Far from it i havn't had this type of fun/excitement since BC2 and BCV.

Looking forward to MP tmoz!
I completed the SP last night (I have been holding off playing MP till I finished it).

Well, there is good and bad I suppose. But overall I enjoyed it. However, even on veteran it felt a little too easy. Enemy AI was pretty bad in the main and you could literally walk by people if they were standing side on to you and not be seen.

I also found the gameplay was a bit repetetive: cutscene, progress through enemy infested area to point A, another cutscene followed by "OMERGERD they are coming for us, we gotta get out of here!!" (head for point B through a forced firefight), escape, cutscene.

Rinse and repeat with the odd bit of 'driving'.

The story line was pretty predictable, but I have to say it was well directed and the voice acting was superb. The environments are detailed but very linear, and one of my biggest gripes is you will open a door that is unremarkable and looks like any of the other doors you have opened whilst hunting for evidence and it will trigger a cutscene/new level area without warning and deny you the opportunity to go back to the previous area to find the evidence you were looking for. VERY annoying and I have missed several pieces of evidence because of this game dynamic. It has totally ****ed me off to be honest because it is completely ridiculous that you cannot go back through the door you have just walked through. If there was some kind of warning that if you head through you can't come back that would be OK, but there isn't.

I have played through on veteran and done it the 'slow' way - arresting as many as possible and trying to remain unseen. I think in total it has taken me about 12hrs of play doing it that way. I have gathered most of the evidence, and arrested all but 1 of the warrants. I reckon if you blasted your way through it without exploring and making arrests you could do it in 8hrs, so pretty standard for a SP game these days (unfortunately).

It is disappointing that there is not more stuff to play with and the gadgets like zip line and grapple are context specific and only really applicable in 1 or 2 episodes.

I have now unlocked the 'hardline' game difficulty to try and tempt me into replaying, but to be honest I'm not sure I can stomach all the cutscenes again now I know how the story turns out.

Played like 10 mins of the MP last night and, meh, wasn't great. Pretty much a campy sniper infested cluster****. That said, the game feels fast and more akin to CoD with movement and gunplay. The end result is that at closer range you spray and pray to hit the enemy player bouncing around like an ADHD child on speed.

Admitedly I need to give it way more time, but if what I saw last night is how the overal MP works I'm not gonna bother. Kill to be killed and stalemate on maps like you get in OP locker on BF4. Meh. Once again, 1 shot snipers turning maps into a yawn fest :(

So, I rate the SP at 6/10

MP I can't say yet as 10 mins on Conquest is really not long enough :D

Will play some more tonight and see how it goes :)
Conquest is not the mode you should be basing your opinion on. Blood Money / Hotwire can be great fun. Even had a blast earlier in the week playing the rescue mode.
Heavy and stubby is so OP I love it!

Good games mostly :). First base rape of hardline tonight lol. And the first land shark :D. I assume he was off to fight some alligators :D.

Amen to heavy and stubby.
And the lord himself only knows what was going on with my land sharking.:eek:

I think I died, got ressed when my body had fallen into the terrain, (I remember seeing the underside of the ground when I died)
After that it seemed perfectly normal but from your vid it clearly wasn't. :D

Maybe you should post a link to it, but I don't want people thinking I'm a dodgy player. :(

yep really stronk games tonight, enjoyed it again. Maybe have a go at some other modes tomorrow, what ya think? dont want conquest to get stale.

Had some really good games with you and nighty yesterday mate. Cheers. :)

<snip> SP stuff

I got annoyed really early on in the SP when the scanner kept on buzzing after entering a room but for the life of me I couldn't find the evidence. I found one in the office opposite but surely that was a different piece. IIRC one of the youtube lot couldn't find it there either. :confused:
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