BF2 Team [OcUK] intersted?

Just spent 10 minutes trying to join a game karkland 24/7 with the other [OcUK] was put on the oppsoite side as everyone else, so i thought id stick it out until the end of the round and join the ocuk sqaud. I do that then soon as i swap everybody sods off to the other team & i couldnt swap again........... sorry for the toy out of pram moment put im abit cheesed off seems like im always the sod on the otherside :mad:
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Rebel=UK= said:
Just spent 10 minutes trying to join a game karkland 24/7 with the other [OcUK] was put on the oppsoite side as everyone else, so i thought id stick it out until the end of the round and join the ocuk sqaud. I do that then soon as i swap everybody sods off to the other team & i couldnt swap again........... sorry for the toy out of pram moment put im abit cheesed off seems like im always the sod on the otherside :mad:

Nah, you ain't. I ALWAYS have connection probs so usually get booted off. When I get back on I'm always on MEC where as the others are always on USMC. :(
Sorry about that on the Karkand server guys, we had 8 out of the 60 slots filled, takes about 5 minutes to log in, and sorry about leaving, we had been owning it for two and a half hours!

May be a good idea to mix up the Mic's, will definately consider it.

And to all piling on a random server, I am always up for it, or just use Xfire to see who is playing!

Sorry Rebel=UK= didnt realise you were on until it was shouted on TS, will try and rig it so im the one on the opposite side not you next time, if you want a game at 12:00 without me on Mic I would be up for one. :)

Also, depending on numbers we may just all pile onto a semi empty 64 man map if we do not get 16 people for the game.
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Siders77 said:
Nah, you ain't. I ALWAYS have connection probs so usually get booted off. When I get back on I'm always on MEC where as the others are always on USMC. :(

ah yeah sorry siders mate , you were in my squad :cool: Have you got your mic working yet?
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Rebel=UK= said:
ah yeah sorry siders mate , you were in my squad thats right :cool: Have you got your mic working yet?

Haha that's cool. I was glad you were on there tbh, I hate being on my own when the other lot are on the opposite team, mainly because I get killed by Yewen 99% of the time then I hear "HAHA Siders take that!!" or "Haha I just killed Siders!!" on TS. :p

My mic is wierd, it works then doesn't. Sorry I didn't reply to your message on TS earlier, I was out when you sent it and must have left TS running.
Siders77 said:
killed by Yewen 99% of the time then I hear "HAHA Siders take that!!" or "Haha I just killed Siders!!" on TS. :p

I would do that as 50 out of my 100 hours have been playing with you :p

Satisfying to kill you for all thoose:

Yewen = Sniping a large area
Siders = In a APC

Siders = Park infront of Yewen while sniping so he cant see anything.

Thats why I feel the urge to kill you, it is very personal :D
Did try to join you but server was full. I joined a server and had a good couple of hours BF2. Great games as well. :cool:
The server we were in is full even at 5am, never empties and is ace! (Bar Kark 24/7)

Takes some time to get on but I think it was worth it, getting pinned by a Vodnic, Tank and a APC with the commander giving our squad full support so I could tell the squad what was going on, we got out aswell and got the flag, was a awsome bit of teamwork!
What you saying... :p I didnt die, THAT much...

Didnt know if you noticed but Blazin.UK made a appearance for the second round on the opposition team. :) He got OcUK'd. :D

Pretty nifty program to use with teamspeak, it shows up on screen who is talking, might make it easier to identify each other in game so we know who to revive or take orders from etc.

I used to use it with my old clan inj Desert Combat and came in useful most of the time.
and i'm the one that swears. :D

I did ask if all was on headsets though prior. ;)
Didn't want anyones parents getting an ear full of my war talk. :p
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