BF2 Team [OcUK] intersted?

Bumped for Goodness and for those weekend dudes to spot. ;)

Those that have taken the time to add me. Thanks. :cool:

Although we are casuals i feel it's important to play together whenever possible. I suggest wearing your tag and getting on the Same team at every oppurtunity. Even if just a 4 man squad on a public it will get us used to each other and in the teamplay frame of mind.

Remember OcUK are always welcome on the 50K server and we have friends there.

Also if you play on a good server on a regular basis then list the server addy here.
Perhaps we could build a list of preffered BF2 servers rather than just fish about randomly.
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How have i missed this thread!!! Haven't played BF2 much of late with college and having a social life but the arrival of a new mouse and the fact I got through my interview yesterday I decided to have a few games on the 50k servers last night.

Count me in anyway mundu99 is my xfire.

Medic extraordinaire at your service!
TheOtherOption said:
Just to add to my name in the OP's post x-fire is :tehotheroption <- someone already had 'TheOtherOption' it seems :o :(

Check i've done it right mate! didn't know if you meant with the colon or without and if "***" was also deliberate or not? :confused:

"t-e-h" ^why is that blanked out?
I've just sat and done a shed load of Xfire adding :o

I will be on at some point for sure over the next two days on 50K servers with [OcUK] on. :)

Though I bought a cheap joystick yesterday I am about to plug in and learn to fly :(
(single player!!!)

I think an organised game would be amazing with a high number of people, ill install BF2 and xfire for it. willd58 is my xfire name aswell
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I've got most peoples xfirs now I think if we just throw around a date and time and see how many people can play would be a good start.
Bugger it, I'm in.

Name: Sgt.Joe.Friday-LAPD

I can't add anyone to XFire as I use it for another group only. ;)

(Only back to BF2 after, well, since it came out)
Well, i wana play BF2, but when i log in to my old account the game now hangs on the connecting screen with a spinning 2, i have to ctrl alt del to get out, any idea's?
willd58 said:
Well, i wana play BF2, but when i log in to my old account the game now hangs on the connecting screen with a spinning 2, i have to ctrl alt del to get out, any idea's?

Don't Ctrl-Alt-Del unless it does it for more than 5min or so, sometimes it can take a long time to login
Only been playing since March myself, slowly getting better trying to get my kills to death rate sorted!

My Xfire name is MajorPart

Think i'll start using the Ocuk tag as soon as someone in the know says it's cool to.
willd58 said:
Well, i wana play BF2, but when i log in to my old account the game now hangs on the connecting screen with a spinning 2, i have to ctrl alt del to get out, any idea's?

happened to me once. tried new accounts, reinstallin and all sorts of things.

contacted ea support fouind out my cd key was banned. so i showed em my case n they gave me a new cd key.
MajorPart said:
Think i'll start using the Ocuk tag as soon as someone in the know says it's cool to.

I think it's okay for anyone to use it.

IIRC there was a topic on here recently about the use of OcUK tags in game and most people said it was fine to use, :)
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