BF2 Team [OcUK] intersted?

Loki said:
Ok Spoke with Malc before.

TS2 32 man Server is up [OcUK] BF2 Voice Server

Whoever wants to admin give me a shout and I will send you the pass etc

Cool im in it now, ill stay in it everytime im on BF :cool:
Yes no confusion guys.
We use MSN Xfire or Teamspeak.
That's more than enouth for all.
If after a full test we have probs with TS then we can try alternatives.

Going on now.
Well done Loki and thanks. :cool:

This will be a tactical and social channel for Oc BF2 heads. Those not involved please leave alone.
I also have webspace which already has a forum on it, just would need clearing out. ALso my mate is likely to be interested in this and has experience in websites (think he registered here the other day.... not sure - can't get on msn to ask him)
Yewen said:

Kindly donated by Yewen. Thanks Yewen. :cool:
We need web designers now to knock up a site.

Teamspeak is now up and running with peeps on.
MSN list is building all the time.
Xfire is ticking along nicely.
I have posted a request for tag usage to dons and am awaiting a reply.

Cool. i am getting excited. :p
Am back on.
I am taking the lead here and just posting with ideas and on how the chat is going via other means.
Nothing is set in stone and everything is open to discussion.
Odviously once our forum is up and running we can keep that for future tactics and strategy chats.
Most seem to want a group of guys that are into BF2 they can get hold of through various methods to play alongside. Rather than over bearing peeps with continual squabbles rules and BS.
So this is the chat so far.

Website is being sorted.
Comms are sorted.
Chat/contacts sorted.
Server. Under discussion.

What i would like now is open comments from you guys about the above.
Would you guys be willing to contribute to a server for starters.
This is quite a commitment so give it good thought. Basically a 3 month rental for a ranked server will cost £150. Split between 10 people this would mean £5 pound per person per month, totalling £15 pound for the 3 months Or £10 per month between 5.
This is a Massive step in my opinion as then there would have to be discussions on control treasurer and all sorts.
( No need to discuss server rules control etc at this stage please leave that for later :) )

On the other hand through our contacts TS and xfire we can for now group together quite easily and regularly play what servers are out there.
Using teamspeak and squadding up [OcUk] style will be great for all our games and loads of fun.
Personally i would be happy with either. It would be nice to have a group of regulars to play with and for starters that's all i am after.

So there you go, plenty to start with. Like i said although i am taking the lead here it's up to everyone to chip in with ideas, help out give suggestions whatever.
For those that want to join in then just add one of us to MSN and fire MSN up prior to gaming.
For those that want to follow us into BF2 games then xfire is the one to use.
With xfire on and us added as friends you can get the info on the server we are in. If you are short on resources then use xfire jot down the server addy exit and join us. If you are not short on resources then just leave xfire running in your task bar. I do this with No adverse effects on my game.

All this talk of x-fire made me download it. Doubt i'll ever use it bar when there's an arranged game as I just join games from in game.

But hey, downloaded, installed and I have mostly added the people in the 1st post with names after the /. If you don't have a name after this I haven't added you as I asume you haven't an xfire account!?

But then it does say "x-fire name after / if different!" so how do I no out of the ones who don't have xfire and the ones who have x-fire yet have the same name?!?! Sort it!

Anyway so now I have added some.

My xfire name is now rednut05 just like my in game name and well basicly everywhere I go people will spy me.

So aye aye captin I'll play some time this week. Like on the morrow!?
Rednut05 said:
Don't worry to much as long as you add a few. Once we are added the other OcUK will be shown as friends of ours on your list. Then once identified as OcUK you can right click and add them as friends.
You now show up on my xfire so you are hooked up fine.
Welcome. :cool:
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