BF2 Team [OcUK] intersted?

First thing is for anyone that's interested is to sort MSN out.
We can mass communicate via an MSN room for starters and chat further on arrangements.

I cannot really take people seriously unless they make an effort.
Adding MSN and Xfire is the first step.
malc30 said:
First thing is for anyone that's interested is to sort MSN out.
We can mass communicate via an MSN room for starters and chat further on arrangements.

I cannot really take people seriously unless they make an effort.
Adding MSN and Xfire is the first step.

I thought most peaple had? And how does anyone know when to be on there? i'm on there now and your not?

eidt: you logged on as i was typing :D
yhack said:
I can host a forum

Ditto oh and xfire is gmloki

As per previous post, Ispoke with Yewen before and I can sort us an unranked BF2 Server
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G00SE said:
I thought most peaple had? And how does anyone know when to be on there? i'm on there now and your not?

eidt: you logged on as i was typing :D

LOL i was just coming on to say Oi WTF :p Am chatting with a few Oc now. those that aren't are missing out simple as.

Things are moving now guys. Posts have been made to officially ask for the tag use so fingers crossed there.
Chats on MSN and Xfire are arranging website and hosting.
Get involved guys all are welcome.

As far as MSN and xfire go i have them on whenever my system is on and i am not gaming.
Those not short of ram can leave xfire on whilst gaming and we can use the server tracker to join you ingame. :cool:
In the near future we can post and state a time for a get together. It doesn't have to be complicated we can just post 7pm on MSN tonight or whatever night all those that want a game. Job done.
Net is now working. Will probably be on tommorrow. Adding people in Xfire as I speak lol.
Xfire user is as you could probably guess leezer3 !! (Google for leezer3- AFAIK all 450 results have something to do with me!)

Website wise, I'd personally go with a PHP-Fusion based system rather than pure HTML as its easier to maintain once you have multiple people submitting news etc.- IMHO by far & away the best CMS in its class. I have plenty of experience playing with skinning & a relatively basic admin experience, and would be happy to help on this side of things.


But can we use the OcUK name? Espesh as we have a website in the works...

Edit: I see its already been asked. XFire worth it? I happily join games via IP in game then make them a fav.

Game soon anyone, going out at 9ish...?
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how about an #[OcUK]bf2 chan on QuakeNet irc ?

then we can at least all chat in the same room, and its easier to buddy up and join the same servers.

also, if you see a bunch of us playing try to join the same squad .:)
ok ive got no experience with php, what things do you need ? I think a few people have already said that they could host a site and someone said he could set up a forum :)
I can set you up a php platinum site, ive had a lot of experience init, although, that all depends on what hosting package ywen has, if he has mysql etc . .

ill idle in there, if people join well keep it running, saves time posting on here etc

will be busy tonight, but maybe see if we can muster a few peeps to play some time 2moro night we can discuss in there .:)
Ok Spoke with Malc before.

TS2 32 man Server is up [OcUK] BF2 Voice Server

Whoever wants to admin give me a shout and I will send you the pass etc
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