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BF4 Retail CPU scaling measured

Maybe I'm being silly, but why is the AVG bar of the "Phenom II X4 955" (71) shorter than the "AMD FX-4300" (67)?
  • "Phenom II X6 1100T"/"Intel Core i5 760" (76) shorter than the "AMD FX-6100" (74)?
  • "Intel Core i5 2500K" (86) shorter than "Intel Core i7-930" (85)?
  • "Intel Core i7 2600K" (98) shorter than "AMD FX-8350" (97)?
I realise they're ordered by "min" but that doesn't explain the length of the "avg" bars.

whoever made the chart dun goofed.
Says a bit for Intel then that this game was optimised for AMD CPUs, Intel CPUs still top that chart!
Poor AMD, Nvidia and Intel use every dirty trick in the book (which was probably optimised to work better on Intel and Nvidia hardware due to backhanders) to try to put the angelic ones out of business but they failed!

Did you see me say it was unoptimised for Intel? no, it's just also optimised for AMD which is a rarity. As for pretending it doesn't happen, AMD got over a billion pay out due to Intel being proved to have paid people to not sell AMD computers and over a VERY long period and the settlement was only that small because AMD couldn't afford years more of court cases against a ridiculously sized legal team from Intel. Intel could have lost the case and paid billions more but dragged it on till AMD were bankrupted.

This has happened MULTIPLE times to multiple companies in the past, for instance iirc Creative did this to, I forget what the other company was at the time. IE AMD got 1.25billion, had they not been in debt and not been desperate for the cash that pay out would have been several times bigger at least. Intel DO do this, it's fact, everyone knows it, it's not a big secret.

AMD paying companies to not sell AMD parts is really bad, software houses using the best compiler for the most widespread in use CPU's is far less "bad" but it is a very significant disadvantage. Dice can't afford to not optimise for Intel for the very same reason, many times more people have Intel cpu's and they aren't actively hurting the majority of people who will play their games, however they have an added incentive to optimise further for AMD this time around and hence AMD performance seemingly taking a rather large jump compared to Intel in older games.
Well somepeople on hear was previously saying you need an i7 to play this game properly in ultra :p which is utter sheet!!!

The graph doesn't show the performance for i5's/i7's running at 4.5-4.6Ghz which is what most people aspire to use (or higher) in a gaming rig. At 4.6Ghz an i5/i7 should destroy the amd 8*** series. But more importantly play a min of 60fps with one or more gpu's at 60hZ.

The graph doesn't answer any questions about cpu utilisation...
You'd need the latest i5 overclocked to beat an overclocked FX8350, and it wouldn't destroy it in anyway shape or form, it'd only just edge it (But as I say, limited sequence, may not be the case, that's just going off these results)

It does fly in the face of people saying you need either an i7 or FX83 for the best performance however (True on the i7 part, but that graph shows an i5 4670K will be up there/slightly edge the FX83 but then again which neither of them offer the best performance at their stock clocks, this could just be due to the sequence they used, and when they're both overclocked won't have the same results as that graph, as we can see from the FX9590 results, you can easily get top class performance with the FX83, but the i5 will be doing the same. But then again, we don't know if the 3970 is at a bottleneck, etc etc. Easier to just say both CPU's give good performance and there's no concealable difference between the two.)

On a single GPU however, if we're to half the GPU results, you'll have the same FPS on the FX83's, i5 4670k, i7.

I wish there was overclocked results and Ivy results to be honest.

For CPU utilization, you can see it in their review.

Latest MSI Afterburner allows you to see CPU usage without any modifications.
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Maybe I'm being silly, but why is the AVG bar of the "Phenom II X4 955" (71) shorter than the "AMD FX-4300" (67)?
  • "Phenom II X6 1100T"/"Intel Core i5 760" (76) shorter than the "AMD FX-6100" (74)?
  • "Intel Core i5 2500K" (86) shorter than "Intel Core i7-930" (85)?
  • "Intel Core i7 2600K" (98) shorter than "AMD FX-8350" (97)?
I realise they're ordered by "min" but that doesn't explain the length of the "avg" bars.

The bars are stacked on top of each other - add the avg and min, and you get the total length.
I was always under the impression that clock for clock when gaming, Haswell and Ivy are pretty much neck & neck. It's only outside of a gaming environment that Haswell really pulls away from Ivy.
I was always under the impression that clock for clock when gaming, Haswell and Ivy are pretty much neck & neck. It's only outside of a gaming environment that Haswell really pulls away from Ivy.

I think there's a few percentage between clock for clock in gaming based tasks.
But in most games they're at the GPU bottleneck anyway, so the difference is null.

Maybe Techspot will have Ivy results.
I don't know like.
The FX8350 and i5 4670K are about at parity at stock.
The 4670K is an inconsistent clocker, current FX83 silicon looks pretty good.

My 4.75GHZ i5 will probably slightly edge an FX8350 at 5GHZ (I'd be gaining 1.25GHZ, which is higher percentage than the 1GHZ an FX8350 would gain, the FX 8350 at 5GHZ is a 25% overclock, my 4670K is ~36%)

But on average overclocked? They're going to be pretty much at each others knackers, probably changing position depending on the scene.

i5 2500k is going to be behind the FX9590 when both overclocked by the looks of it (But you'd really have to see, the i5 2500k has a possible 1.5GHZ left in the tank which is huge, but still, I'm going to go with the FX83)

EDIT : Of course, we've also got a very limited scene, I'm awaiting techspots figures, but the initial figures look positive for AMD.

What, A 3.5Ghz i7 is 144 fps verse a 112 fps 9590 at 5.0Ghz....Intel clock per clock destroys it and even when the amd is clocked much higher also...
The way i read that chart is that a 5.0Ghz 9590 AMD is pulling 112 frames whilst an i7 is pushing 114 at 3.5Ghz......So what is gonna happen when an i5/i7 hits 4.6Ghz?
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Depends which i7/i5 we're on about.

The Sandy i7 fully overclocked will edge the AMD FX9590 (Which is 4.7GHZ, not 5GHZ)

The i5 4670K will edge it/parity (Depends on clocking, scenario, we still don't know just how limited this sequence is)

The 2500K could go either way (I'm edging towards a 5GHZ FX83 over it)

3570k, needs results.
This is what happens when stuff is compiled and optimised for AMD's instruction set, people absolutely and completely ignore that Intel has such a stranglehold on the industry and are so favoured by MS/other software makers that most is compiled with Intel compilers that does as little as possible to optimise for AMD.

Intel and AMD have dozens, hundreds of ways to short cut results, combine calculations and optimise throughput and effectively huge amounts of software just don't make full use of an AMD core and the performance available.

It shouldn't be any surprise at all, in the slightest that an AMD core in a game that worked hard with AMD to optimise performance performs significantly better than in other software which basically optimises for Intel and not AMD.

For those who think Phenom 2 was a better core, it categorically wasn't, it was just older and better supported, Bulldozer and even more so piledriver is without question a move forward, AMD will always struggle with 1-2 year lag in improved CPU vs being optimised for :(

AMD can't really win, we've had 15 years of Intel paying computer manufacturers not to use their stuff and paying software manufacturers not to optimise for them, considering that, their lack of money and process node disadvantage AMD are way way way ahead of where most companies would be. Considering Intel's advantages and well, illegal activity their "lead" on AMD, also considering R&D spending, is pretty pathetic.

Is pretty much bang on.

Nice to see you here dude. I like your insightful posts :)
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