Big Bike Thread

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Question I have, why do I see a lot of "full face helmets are OTT" type comments in here?

Normally because the people that wear them are doing nothing extreme enough to justify wearing it in the first place.... Its like someone buying a Specialized Demo for pootling around cyclepaths....

If you're going to be hucking around and doing some proper jumps then no probs...

I currently wear padding made by MTFU. Severe pain and injury is no doubt in the post but hey-ho :o
jaybee - that exact same spot is where I tore the ligaments in my ankle :)
I pulled a manual, over the last table (didnt do that hip bit that time), but my foot slipped off the pedal and got twisted underneath the back wheel.

Yes full face helmets are overkill for the riding you do at the moment. You wont look like a wannabe, but you will be seriously hampered. It will get ferociously hot in there and you will not be able to breathe as freely.

I thought the same thing when I started and did wear a fullface to Swinley - once... never again ;)
This is one of my mates at Swinley - for this you;d want a fullface

He dislocated his collar bone and his bone in his shoulder stuck out his skin on this particular fall :p
Im so ashamed of myself today :(

This year had been going really well, im considerably stronger and faster than i was this time last year. I have been training hard and lost a bit of weight as well. We're only half way through the season but i have already come within 10 seconds of my pb for a 10 mile time trial on a much slower course. I'v even entered a road race in a few weeks time.

Recently, however, things have started to fall apart :(.

It all begun a couple of weeks ago when i saw these:

Today, this arrived:

I thought i had managed to kick this filthy habit when i sold all my mtbs last year but i obviously still have a weakness for it.

Dont even look at me :|
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Thanks for following me while I was racing. It sucked that my satellite tracker broke, I actually made it 1038 miles from Banff, stopping in Jackson, Wyoming. I decided to withdraw before I did permanent damage to myself and found myself stranded hundreds of miles from anywhere, which was the terrain I had coming up.

You're not supposed to be able to feel or hear your achilles when you move your foot up and down, which was my reason for dropping when I did. Ice and anti-inflammatories hadn't worked for the previous few days to bring things under control.

Gutted to not be out there riding still, but I had a fantastic time while it lasted.
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I'm hoping not too long before I'm back riding as normal. I wish I could race this weekend to take advantage of my fitness and the altitude riding I've been doing!

Would I attempt the full race again...maybe. But I would struggle to get the extended time off work required.
Gave it a clean whilst cleaning other bikes...shame my camera is pish.


Got matching smart sams on it which I got for nothing and fired a new seat clamp,stem/bar and pedals onto it.





Then went for a pint at the pub on the way home which ended up with a wrong turn and a longer ride :(
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Thanks for following me while I was racing. It sucked that my satellite tracker broke, I actually made it 1038 miles from Banff, stopping in Jackson, Wyoming. I decided to withdraw before I did permanent damage to myself and found myself stranded hundreds of miles from anywhere, which was the terrain I had coming up.

You're not supposed to be able to feel or hear your achilles when you move your foot up and down, which was my reason for dropping when I did. Ice and anti-inflammatories hadn't worked for the previous few days to bring things under control.

Gutted to not be out there riding still, but I had a fantastic time while it lasted.

The only real sensible decision you could have made.

Well done, be proud, don't think there's anyone else here who could even dream of getting that far. Don't think there's many people that could do it, full stop!

Hope you're back on the bike soon. :)
I don't know what's worse. The fact that you STILL don't have bar plugs or that you apear to be having a drink with a dirty roadie! :mad: :p
I don't know what's worse. The fact that you STILL don't have bar plugs or that you apear to be having a drink with a dirty roadie! :mad: :p

Well this easton bar now fits bar ends so I'll be sorting that out with black hope ones shortly. They offer such a pish margin it's unreal, smae with most suppliers to be honest :mad:

He is a dirty roadie really, they are trying to convert me. If I had £1200 spare I'd be on that cannondale super six 105 in the background :p
Hey guys. So I went up Swinley Forest the other night and came off my mates Specialized hardrock.
Damage to bike: Rear brake lever circlip and washer popped out of lever internals, saddle bent and needs replacing, left bar grip pushed in on the end.
Damage to me: Various wounds to arms and legs ;)

This was only my 3rd time riding with my mates since I started back riding 4 weeks ago. I decided to try a more advanced jump inside the gully jumps section. Rather than go off the center point which is a fairly basic up down landing, this one is angled to the side and you need to be able to clear a bigger gap and angle the bike on the landing really. I thought it didn't look that bad and decided to give it a shot desppite my sensible mate trying ot talk me out of it twice! ;)

So this video shows the exact section and how you should do it (at the beginning of the vid anyway with the three riders jumping). EDIT: Below footage is not me.

And when I did it my back wheel did the classic catching the second lip and I went over the bars and ate sand. I am going to invest in some basic armour for legs and arms plus get some good shoes.

Question I have, why do I see a lot of "full face helmets are OTT" type comments in here? For me, they look like a good idea. When I came off my face made contact with the ground and slid along it for a good few meters. luckily it was fairly soft sand with minimal gravel. My helmet took an impact and saved my head but my face could have got butchered. I see full face as a good thing and don't really care if I look like some hardcore wannabe. To rub salt into my wounds a guy came down after me with no helmet on and aced that jump effortlessly. Almost looked like he wasn't trying and didn't look like he even went that fast.

Anyway, didn't put me off and I'm still left wanting my fix next week, just will take it easy more. :)

ha I had a go on those jumps on sunday, full face and armour will help for confidence maybe but it wont do too much to help you when you fall off. you just learn to bail good after a few years
they are trying to convert me. If I had £1200 spare I'd be on that cannondale super six 105 in the background :p

A family member who is a dirty roady was round the other day, I gave him a shot of my XC bike, AM bike, and DH bike. The grin factor from the street test and the statement of "It's like the kerbs aren't there", made him see the light. His wife now doesn't like me! :(
A family member who is a dirty roady was round the other day, I gave him a shot of my XC bike, AM bike, and DH bike. The grin factor from the street test and the statement of "It's like the kerbs aren't there", made him see the light. His wife now doesn't like me! :(

No wonder :P

I do miss the ride at the kerb and it isn't that effect the bighit had with me....I can do 30 miles on the road 4/5 days a week though :(

I still dream about a bottle rocket with totems :o
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