Big Bike Thread

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Sorted my front mech out went for the SLX Double, didnt think a double mech would make much difference but its much easier to setup than a triple and shifts really well.
Good software, just not used it before - Final Cut Studio.
Definitely not speeded up, maybe the blurriness of the compression makes it look that way?
If you are referring to my tard brother in law pedalling in a light gear, then yea it looks dumb, but that's just him :p

The bit from 4:20 onwards looks slightly speeded up. It seems the person in front is taking corners faster than he should be able for the way the bike is being handled, if you get me? Weird.

I'll look into Final Cut, but why is the sound only coming through 1 speaker?

Edit: No I won't, Final Cut is for Macs..... :/
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I found the soundtrack extremely annoying... Sounded like a constantly stuck record... I must be getting old :(

Electronic music fits riding videos better (more so for XC rides even) - for me anyways. Can't please everyone though, to each their own, maybe next time I'll ride some XC gnar to Sepultura :)
TBH I feel the same with a lot of the metal type music people seem to add to almost every MTB video going.... Gets boring after a while :(
I try to mix it up a bit with the music I put on my videos but its has to be songs that I like which isn't always to everyone's taste. :D Luckily I like a fairly broad range of music.
Cow (or anyone), how do you begin to learn jumping gaps and TT's?
It's the only thing holding me back, I have the speed but not the jumping :( and it kind of puts a downer on the dh tracks when i can't ride em flat out due to me braking for jumps!
Any one got any experience with 661's recon helmet?

Got the large one based on their size guide charts and it does fit but I need to have the rear adjustment ratchet thingy as tight as it will go.

Actually I'm not so much bothered about the overall fit more that I don't want to wear a helmet that looks massive on me. Does anyone know if the overall helmet size is smaller or small version or its just the pads on the inside?

The joys of buying online but none of the shops any where near me sell them so I've had to buy without having a proper chance to try one on.

EDIT: Ignore - I've ordered the small and I'll just send the one I don't want back.
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Cow (or anyone), how do you begin to learn jumping gaps and TT's?
It's the only thing holding me back, I have the speed but not the jumping :( and it kind of puts a downer on the dh tracks when i can't ride em flat out due to me braking for jumps!

I must admit I'm not a fan of gaps, having broken a few ribs coming short on them :p

Table tops - well there's nothing to be scared of there, so just go as fast as you can and pump the up ramp bit.

I'm not too happy with my jumping, so I'm not the best person to ask.

I'll be going on a "jumping course" when a riding buddy of mine is back from teaching at the COC - Camp of Champ in Whistler.

When he's back we're hitting up Woburn so I can go back to the basics and get them right first. Ask me after that, maybe I'll have better input! :D
Check out mtbr forums, the downhill/freeride forum in particular as there's tonnes of threads like this.

Quick summary for jumping on any bike with suspension (especially full sus) is make sure your rebound isn't set too fast (important for drops too) as any high speed impacts may cause you to be bucked off.

Keep your weight central, hit the jump straight on, practise on a small table first, keep loose but don't go limp as you hit the jump, you need to use your arms and legs. Push your front wheel into the take off, follow with your legs, the rebound of your suspension will give you height, making it easier to get in the air and helping you to clear the jump, in essence the more aggresively you do this the more height you'll get. You have to do this because if you just allow the jump to kick you into the air you will not be in control of your bike and flight path, this is often called dead sailor :D It's usually what happens when you see someone take off and slowly list to one side/front back/go off-line. Look at your landing and extend your legs somewhat to help absorb it.
Re : My question on which new stem to buy earlier this week.
I wanted something different over the usual Thomson x4 or Easton Haven options.

So, I've ordered a Renthal Duo Stem
Renthal is a brand which has a very strong reputation in motocross and is quickly gaining ground in the MTB world. Best of all Renthal is a UK manufacturer :)

Looks flexy. ;D

Easton Haven isn't a common choice :D Hardly see them on any bikes at the moment, they do seem getting more popular though (especially bars and wheels).
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