Big Bike Thread

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Seems odd though, in all my other bikes this has never happened first proper ride out and it just snaps off. There are no marks on the mech and i dont remember hitting anything.
Seems odd though, in all my other bikes this has never happened first proper ride out and it just snaps off. There are no marks on the mech and i dont remember hitting anything.

Mech could have failed and then sheared the hanger, whatever happened its still going to cost you :p

Edit: CRC currently have the X.9 mech for £59.
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My X0 RD is bullet proof; 3 years of hard riding, a really bad snap similar to yours last November, hammering and sawing bolts off it in a vice to fix it and it's still like new :)
I bent my X0 recently, no idea how I did it nor could I notice a bend (even when comparing it side by side to another perfect x0), part of the cage was coming in contact with the main bolt that attaches it to your hanger, so I couldn't select the smallest cogs, it was nothing a bit of filing couldn't fix :D Bodged.
Unlucky mate :( Just one of those things. Happened to my mate in the middle of a 50k charity ride we were doing. Nothing we could do about it.

On a side note, had another excellent run round the full black at Golspie. Honestly guys, it's well worth the trip if you get the chance.
Anyway, I'm using just the middle ring up front now and am thinking about removing the front derailleur + Cabling etc. The main reason being a bit of chain noise I would like rid of.
I have a bash guard + Blackspire Stinger installed. Think it's a 32t middle ring but will check that out......maybe an idea to replace it with a 36?
I have the tools I need but just wondering if there is anything I should be aware of during the process?
I was tempted to just split the chain and carry on with no rear gears, but then i would have needed a new chain so walked home.

Realised my fitness has really taken a hit not having had a bike for nearly 2 months, just couldnt keep the pace up this morning.
My legs are dead. I decided to put some practice in before Cannock so instead of taking the bike in the car, I rode there instead. 26 miles later and my legs feel like jelly; worst of all though is that my bumcheeks feel like they are down to the bone. I need a new saddle :(.
My new toy has just arrived. :D

My legs are dead. I decided to put some practice in before Cannock so instead of taking the bike in the car, I rode there instead. 26 miles later and my legs feel like jelly; worst of all though is that my bumcheeks feel like they are down to the bone. I need a new saddle :(.

Practise for Cannock? :D I think most people (myself included) will be going at leisurely hobbyist-pace so no worries about practising :p
Spare derailleur hanger is something you should have in your parts at home or with you on the trail.

I'm sure I remember saying that in this thread months ago and loads of people were going 'lulwhat?'

I was out on a group ride with some other guys once, went OTB and smashed my mech on a rock, bending the hanger, they were amazed I had a spare :p
I've been practicing for Cannock.... honest!

Smashed my face in at work yesterday.

Ill be the bloke with an inch and a bit scar between his eyes after having it glued in A&E....

Might manage some riding on Sunday, but I have been very lazy recently, blame this weather, too hot!
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