Big Bike Thread

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661 are usually the way to go as CRC always have them going cheap and they make a lot of different styles and are pretty long lasting.

I was looking through the 661 on CRC last night as I recall someone - possibly yourself? - mentioned 661 before. Problem is that they don't seem to have decent stock levels of the sizes I'll need (think I'm a M/L).
Managed a pretty epic ride today climatising myself to the heat for next weekend ;)

50% or more on the road I have to admit, but there aren't trails everywhere! :o

Ended up at Healey Nab which I have heard about before. Felt distinctly under biked there! Its a bit GNARRR with lots of rocks, close trees and not much room for error!

Muggins here thought "oh that doesn't look too bad" and went off the black run to start as well.... I guess the guys who were building the trail were impressed with the guy on a 100mm HT giving it a go!

It's a little confusing as to what path takes you where as they cross each other frequently. I found it a bit tough going and scraped the pedals a couple of times on rocks (and my shin).

Some of the berms are very tight and the trees in close. One to go back to with a different bike and tyre combination! I know why all the guys I saw had AM/DH bikes and most with full face helmets. Could easily end up hugging a tree or kissing a rock.

I then went around Anglezarke Reservoir and ended up on a walkers track after losing the bridalway across a field. Had some good wooden bridges and steps to launch off that i'm sure I shouldn't have been doing!

Started to feel pretty tired, but the problem being I still had to ride home which was another 8 miles or so. A stop at Co-Op for some OJ helped power me back!
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Bike Kit by 555Andi, on Flickr

Sorting out my kit earlier (trying to find things to do in the sun), thought I'd take a pic. Click for annotated version.

(ps. I know, I'm a geek for taking that, and I do carry a lot of crap around with me)
Went to the Forest of Dean for the afternoon yesterday, they've made some new stuff :)

Thought I'd share some chestcam footage of the day!
I guess the chestcam doesn't like downhill riding, it gets very shaky.. I Might fit the helmet mount at some point.

Nothing really steep in that vid, would probably have been better on an all-mountain bike :P

The last section is the downhill part of the new XC loop they just opened, it's rather fun! Apart from the flat sprint at the end..
first time out for about 4 weeks today since baby arrived. Was good to be out again only the one tumble when trying a steep hill and locked up the brakes!!

Also found some great little bits in the woods that someone has been building with some CRAZY jumps and tabletops etc. Not for me but they look well put together including one with about a 4/5ft clearance needed or you land in a large pit about 5 ft deep!!!
What's the gorillapod thing?

That cable lock is more a deterrence thing I take it?

Is your Dakine not a hydration pack?

May I ask how much the GPS set you back?


Nice vid mistercrabb. I think I've finally found a use for my keychain spycam thingy! :D
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Gorillapod is a mini flexible tripod for the camera. Nomad has a 3l Hydrapak bladder in it, I only ever put water in it, so take a bottle too for something sweeter. The Garmin was £200. I'd buy an Edge 800 for a bit more if I was to buy again, but it wasn't out when I bought the Dakota.

Cable lock means you nip in a shop or whatever, never leave it for longer than a few seconds, and always in a busy place, more to stop someone jumping on and riding off than anyone determined.
Fair enough. I can't work out what the chairtool thingy is for?

How much space do you tend to have left in the bag once it's all in?

Also, do you mount the GPS on your bars, and I take it the compass is for emergencies? :p

Bike Kit by 555Andi, on Flickr

Sorting out my kit earlier (trying to find things to do in the sun), thought I'd take a pic. Click for annotated version.

(ps. I know, I'm a geek for taking that, and I do carry a lot of crap around with me)

You have exactly the same pumps as me! :)

I really should get myself a small first aid kid to carry for emergencies though.
Fair enough. I can't work out what the chairtool thingy is for?

How much space do you tend to have left in the bag once it's all in?

Also, do you mount the GPS on your bars, and I take it the compass is for emergencies? :p

Chain tool is for breaking the chain. Theres one in the multitool but the park one is miles better, and only tiny.

GPS is on the bars usually, and yeah, compass for emergencies.

The Nomad is split into 2 halfs, one half has loads of pockets for tools and stuff, and the other is just one big pocket. Pretty much all that fits in this divided half, leaving the other half which will fit a jacket and anything else in no problem.
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