Cheers for the answers, when I mean it felt too small the wheels felt small, my knees were way to bent, everything about the bike just felt like I'de out grown it, which I have.
Nix - I'll measure the frame tomorrow when I'm not in danger of loosing my life hurdling boxes in the garage
Petriodet - The sort of thing I'de use the bike for is downhilling, so I think a hardtail would be okay. I'm guessing it's cheaper to buy a whole bike than build it, if so which are the good ones to buy. Ideally under £600
Nix - I'll measure the frame tomorrow when I'm not in danger of loosing my life hurdling boxes in the garage
Petriodet - The sort of thing I'de use the bike for is downhilling, so I think a hardtail would be okay. I'm guessing it's cheaper to buy a whole bike than build it, if so which are the good ones to buy. Ideally under £600