Big Bike Thread

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I might be getting a Giant XTC SE 2007 spec soon (this week sometime) is there anything i need to be careful of on the bike things prone to breaking or need attention....also this bike is replacing my stolen (yesterday) Saracen Hazzard i it should be much better as i really didnt like the Saracen even though i spent around £300 on upgrades for it.
KnightStalker said:
I might be getting a Giant XTC SE 2007 spec soon (this week sometime) is there anything i need to be careful of on the bike things prone to breaking or need attention....also this bike is replacing my stolen (yesterday) Saracen Hazzard i it should be much better as i really didnt like the Saracen even though i spent around £300 on upgrades for it.

The XTC is a sweet bike, better than the Saracen you had. Prob a blessing it got stolen (I presume its a replacement from insurance?). The first thing to go in most bike is the crank usually, the Giant is a nice bike and should last a while if treated properly.
Raymond Lin said:
The XTC is a sweet bike, better than the Saracen you had. Prob a blessing it got stolen (I presume its a replacement from insurance?). The first thing to go in most bike is the crank usually, the Giant is a nice bike and should last a while if treated properly.

Yea its a replacement, im buying it out of my cash then they will give it back to me...Im actually sad to see the saracen go, but now i have the joy of a new bike and the Giant...Is there anything specific about the crank that breaks? or is it generally the teeth that get blunted/bent/broken off (saracen had this problem.)
KnightStalker said:
Yea its a replacement, im buying it out of my cash then they will give it back to me...Im actually sad to see the saracen go, but now i have the joy of a new bike and the Giant...Is there anything specific about the crank that breaks? or is it generally the teeth that get blunted/bent/broken off (saracen had this problem.)

Its the teeth, same with most bikes.
Jonny ///M said:
Whats the problem with that?

My saint has been going strong for ages,takes on everything like a ned with a bottle of bucky.
Quiet you, Saint and Hone are exceptions because they're built for strength. The others, like LX, XT and XTR (not sure about Deore) use some kind of light, but very soft alloy which wears down really quickly.

At least they have done over the past few years.
07 XTR are meant to be hard wearing. The middle ring is carbon fibre and Alumunium though. :eek: I just hope they fair better than my Evolve XC X Types. :(
monkeypants said:
Quiet you, Saint and Hone are exceptions because they're built for strength. The others, like LX, XT and XTR (not sure about Deore) use some kind of light, but very soft alloy which wears down really quickly.

At least they have done over the past few years.

Xt is supposed to be pretty strong and XTR is strong as hell aswell. Dont know if you saw the guy on SDH with the camo socom with xtr cranks?

If you want lightweight you do tend to sacrifice strength to be honest.
Oh, the dream also involved me riding a road bike in some kind of race, shifting my grip to the lower curled part of the bars, lightly touching the front brake and then flying over the handlebars.
monkeypants said:
Oh, the dream also involved me riding a road bike in some kind of race, shifting my grip to the lower curled part of the bars, lightly touching the front brake and then flying over the handlebars.

Stange boy.....mines once involved me riding along as fast as i could and then a huge hole appeared so i tried to bunnyhop it :rolleyes:
Woohoo bought a new bike, the Kona Explosif frame I built up last year is just too light for what I'm after so picked up a Scott Ransom 30 2006 for £1800. My mate with the on-one inbred 456 picked up a Marin Quake AL7 for £2400 as well. We where going to get Nomads but I personally couldn't justify the £3k+ build costs :o

Can't wait to try it out, it doesn't even have pedals on yet. Long weekend trips to Wales won't be the same again, no more taking it the sissy line down black runs \o/

What kinda kit do you guys wear for hard trail, black run riding? I picked up some Dianese knee and elbow pads, looking at a full face helmet as well, maybe something like the Specialized Deviant Carbon should be able to wear it up hills as well.
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