*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

Started on this journey myself a few weeks back, sparked by being challenged in a first to 100km race. I did it just walking but at least it got me out the house!

Ive carried it on since and I now do 5km walk each lunch and this week Ive started getting out on the bike and done 3 x 9km rides this week so far. Looking to do around 500/600calories min a day in terms of exercise and ive been working on my eating but still figuring things out for that in terms of the actual food but calorie wise its below 1800/1900.

Not sure exactly how much (if any) I have lost thus far but going to start recording it alongside all the activity tracking im doing.

Good job everyone on what you have done so far, inspiring to read through.
I've noticed I'm getting saggy skin under my arms, like old ladies' bingo wings. It's either from the rapid weight loss or just generally getting old and having no arm muscles. :D Better get those weights a-pumping.

On a lighter note, I've met target one which is to get BMI <30. Hoping to get to BMI <25 by Christmas.
Been approximately 6 weeks I've been doing free weights. I have a bit of a beer belly so perhaps should have started fat loss first.

I am lifting more though then I started so I'm happy with my progress but wouldn't mind loosing a bit of belly but I think it will be hard due to bulking up.

Any tips...
Been approximately 6 weeks I've been doing free weights. I have a bit of a beer belly so perhaps should have started fat loss first.

I am lifting more though then I started so I'm happy with my progress but wouldn't mind loosing a bit of belly but I think it will be hard due to bulking up.

Any tips...

If you're a beginner and have a decent amount of freely available energy stored inside you already, then it's one of the few times you can expect a decent amount of body recomposition (i.e. you can be in a calorie deficit and be losing fat whilst still adding some muscle and strength). Additionally the more body fat you carry the longer the diet to get rid of it will have to be, so the standard MO for those that lift is to diet down to somewhere between a healthy to athletic level of body fat and then look to gain weight at a snail's pace while you seek to make gains in the gym until you get a little fluffy (since you'll always gain some fat along with any new muscle tissue), diet that off and repeat, with a longer-term view of weight maintenance when you've reached a decent level.
Well last few days have been really hot, so i've been sweating a lot with either workout or work in general (these days delivering gas cylinders (from 25kg to 85kg total weight). And i've noticed feeling a bit hungrier even tho im still doing 4/5 meals with 3 hrs intervals between each. So I'm hoping I loose some fat..

In the mean time, i'm finding my squats limited due to no squat rack. BP is ok even tho there is no proper BP just home made via a sofa foot rest and chair...
I started 5 weeks ago and gone from 15 Stone 4 pounds to 14 stone 6 pounds. Lockdown has been perfect for getting on top of my food intake.

Have bulletproof coffee for breakfast, banana omelette for lunch and a decent meal of steak, chicken or salmon for dinner.

I’ve not had any grains or refined sugar once for 5 weeks.
Yeah banana omlette sounds awful! Pastrami + cheese is where it's at! :D

Back on it diet wise. Nearly 2 weeks since I went back to work and found things too tight! Also started exercising at the same time and aiming for slower, maintainable loss.
I need to start cutting out the cheat days, I'm having far too many of them. I just weighed myself as the heaviest I've been for 4 months at 15st 6lbs. Mind you, I think it's just the volume I've eaten in the last few days. I did similar last Friday weighing 15st 3 and lost all 5lbs by the very next day!

I find it rather amazing that I cycled 202 miles last week, more than I ever have, and still weigh in so heavy this week! That's how much I must have eaten! :(
A banana omelette? I've never heard of such a thing. Might have to give it a try though.

I agree, sounds gross but I love it and more like a pancake. It is one egg to one banana, finely chop the banana and whisk it into the egg. I also put in a few sultanas plus some cinnamon powder. Lightly fry both sides and have it with some yoghurt.

I usually have 2 eggs and 2 bananas and it satisfies my sweet tooth!
I need to start cutting out the cheat days, I'm having far too many of them. I just weighed myself as the heaviest I've been for 4 months at 15st 6lbs. Mind you, I think it's just the volume I've eaten in the last few days. I did similar last Friday weighing 15st 3 and lost all 5lbs by the very next day!

I find it rather amazing that I cycled 202 miles last week, more than I ever have, and still weigh in so heavy this week! That's how much I must have eaten! :(

Haha yeah, Saturday i did a 5k run and then paddle boarded for about 4 hours, then Sunday i ran 12 miles, all in pretty brutal heat, and yet i was heavier on Monday than i was on the Friday!

I've also been really "off it" for about a month now. Last night we had KFC and the night before was Chinese. Also been snacking more on chocolate/sweets, but i think the main issue is alcohol. From January-April i had really cut down on what i was drinking, but in May i found i was drinking a lot more, especially on Sunny days where it just felt great to have a beer, but then you go and buy a box of 12 and end up drinking them over a weekend along with wine in the evenings!

My goal is 90kg, i was on a great trajectory, but i'm now just yoyoing pretty much since early April, mainly being a drop during the week, then a spike over the weekend, then a drop again etc

I was doing well until lockdown. Now my exercise has gone to pot. Working longer hours than usual and finding it hard to get out and exercise without others to do it with. All the weight I'd lost (11kg) has come back on in the last 9-10 weeks. :(
I'm not doing too bad but I cannot break past 90kg. When I get within 1 or 2, something happens (like me ordering a chocolate cake from Sainsbury's) and I end up back at 96kg. I think I'm just going to have to grab the bull by the horns and get back to keto. It's the only thing that's worked so far for me. The alternate day fasting got boring really quickly, I felt so hungry on the fast days and it was affecting my exercise as I felt like I had no energy.
I was doing well until lockdown. Now my exercise has gone to pot. Working longer hours than usual and finding it hard to get out and exercise without others to do it with. All the weight I'd lost (11kg) has come back on in the last 9-10 weeks. :(

I feel the same, I enjoy weighlifting as exercise and without a squat rack at home (no space) I find it rewally hard to get motivated without the gym. I've pigged out on takeaways and sweets to help with my anxiety and depression.

After peaking back up to 13st 5 (I'm only 5"6) I've started back onto strict Keto and currently battling the keto flu stage - but it should help me lean out a little until the gym re-opens.
Started my weight loss a month ago doing weights and BoxVR for cardio, according to the scales i haven't lost anything but i feel like i have, maybe the weight has just been evenly distributed is that a thing :confused:

Still i am happy with the results so far :)

Started my weight loss a month ago doing weights and BoxVR for cardio, according to the scales i haven't lost anything but i feel like i have, maybe the weight has just been evenly distributed is that a thing :confused:

Still i am happy with the results so far :)


There's no feel about that, your gut is tiny compared to how it used to be!

Well done there man!
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