*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

There's plenty of evidence that carnivore is an effective diet for short term (about a year) weight loss, but it doesn't work and isn't healthy longer term. You need to transition off to something sustainable and healthier after a time.
Tbh my most successful diet was when I went keto, which is a step below full on carnivore. I think it's basically feeling very full with all the fat and protein being eaten, and the total lack of junk food.
I found it too restrictive in the end, and really wasn't happy eating that amount of meat personally, but if it works for someone then it works.

I had the same experience, I did lose 3 stone but just could not cope without bread any longer!!! I really need to do something this year, I am so overweight and unfit!
Going to continue the relaxed attitude for the rest of my annual leave, but will make preparations for batch cooked lunches and dinners over the course of the week. I’ll start calorie counting on Noom strictly as of next week. Want to get leaner and I don’t think Christmas has been too ridiculous.

Good luck for the year everyone!
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There's plenty of evidence that carnivore is an effective diet for short term (about a year) weight loss, but it doesn't work and isn't healthy longer term. You need to transition off to something sustainable and healthier after a time.

That's not true in my experience, most of the carnivores I associate with have been doing it multiple years, some over a decade and at least one I've spoken with now multiple decades in. All of which are in great health.

I had the same experience, I did lose 3 stone but just could not cope without bread any longer!!! I really need to do something this year, I am so overweight and unfit!

See I really struggled with Keto myself, the cravings for carbs etc drove me insane. It was only after a few weeks of strict carnivore I didn't miss that stuff day to day. It was only when I got really depressed and with my unhealthy relationship with food chose to eat a chinese did all that come back with a Vengeance.
Hi all. time for me to do something.. I've always been overweight since my early teems, now time to do something about it, early 50s, and covid hasn't been kinda also working at home doesn't help.

Looking for any assistance, comradery, support I can get :(

Lots of ads around the "milkshake" meal replacements. Are these worth trying, or is it all marketing hype?
Lots of ads around the "milkshake" meal replacements. Are these worth trying
I think it depends on your circumstances. I've had a Huel for at least one meal a day for about 5 years now and I like them. I live alone, so a shake for a meal suits me and it is easily monitored for the number of calories consumed. Times like today and yesterday, when I've been cycling for 3 or 4 hours, a liquid lunch is quite nice. Hopefully it helps keep me hydrated too.
Hi all. time for me to do something.. I've always been overweight since my early teems, now time to do something about it, early 50s, and covid hasn't been kinda also working at home doesn't help.

Looking for any assistance, comradery, support I can get :(

Lots of ads around the "milkshake" meal replacements. Are these worth trying, or is it all marketing hype?

Hopefully, you'll find plenty of support in here pal. I'm doing carnivore as it's what works best for me.
few pounds here...last 2 days was finishing any biscuits, nuts and cheeses...nothing left at home now...
started day with gym, bike 2 days ago..time to do it allover again and start dropping them pounds...
Weighed myself today at an alright 108kg, hoping to bring this down to 90kg towards the end of the year.
Should be a not so fun cut but hey ho.

Also decided to do carnivore diet again to acheive this, Ive done it once before for 6 months and I got easily into the best shape of my life but In the end I found it depressing.
Its surprising how much you can miss bread and sweet treats.
Weighed myself today at an alright 108kg, hoping to bring this down to 90kg towards the end of the year.
Should be a not so fun cut but hey ho.

Also decided to do carnivore diet again to acheive this, Ive done it once before for 6 months and I got easily into the best shape of my life but In the end I found it depressing.
Its surprising how much you can miss bread and sweet treats.

S'up fellow carnivore? It's funny how good it makes you feel though right? Would be interested to hear how you get on this time around
Guess like most have a new target this year after shifting a lot of weight in 2023, uncharted territory this time so sure will come with new challenges.
Interestingly my weigh in on the 31st was 103.5kg, but yesterday on the first was 104.4kg. I wanted a proper closing/opening recording. I assume most of the increase was booze related and so based on the number of dumps i took yesterday (and continuing this morning), i should be about 80kg when i weigh again tomorrow! Perhaps that's a bit optimistic, but hoping to get under 100kg in January. Tipping over 100kg only happened in December so i'm hoping the body won't have adapted to that weight and a shock mix of lower calories/less booze will have a decent impact.

In more disappointing news. My left calf is acting up. We went for a walk down the beach last Wednesday and covered maybe 3 miles, i was in my barefoot shoes i've not worn in ages and so unsure if it's pulled something. I've been able to cycle/walk absolutely fine, but it's just really tight and painful to the touch. Can't decide whether it needs full on rest, or just continued easy efforts. I've tried loads from stretching, foam rolling, massage gun, heat, cold and compression and nothing is shifting it.
I wanted a proper closing/opening recording.
I did the same, after posting my end-of-year earlier in the thread, I was pleased that I did the opposite of you and I had lost a kg! 15st 5 on 1/1/24. I then also realised, that's probably the lightest I've been on 1st Jan for about 25-30 years...

My next target, as it has been for the last couple of years, is to drop weight before my cycling trip to Mallorca in March. This has given me a good headstart!
I imagine benefits of carnivore diet have a lot to do with reducing/eliminating blood glucose spikes as well as whole running on ketones thing.

Seeing the average British diet I can see how a lot of people would feel better switching to that and keto, as mentioned above it probably is effective short term but haven't done enough research into long term effects. Like most diets tethering on the extreme, probably not that great in the long run though.

As far as glucose control and spikes go though I would highly recommend Glucose Revolution book, if you're on Instagram lady who wrote that has a great account outlining spikes from various foods how to control them etc. Even if you aren't diabetic, it's very important to keep glucose stable for general health and a lot of research suggests that it's very important for longevity.
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