Well, as expected, the weekend was a proper car crash. I wasn't too worried because the week before was similar, and I dragged it back to a state where I still lost 2lbs, so more of the same this week to bring myself back on track. I think the key take from it was that I drank a bottle of wine over the course of the weekend, ate burgers, chips, crisps, chocolate etc, and I think I found that the idea of smashing all those things was better than the reality, which was nice, but not nice enough for me to give up everything I've achieved. I saw it as a real step forward in establishing my goal weight as a constant, rather than a temporary state.
On the way down to Devon, the kids got a McDonalds to keep them going in the car, but I abstained. It smelt absolutely incredible. There were a few bits left over which my wife fed me while I was driving, and the taste was absolutely NOWHERE NEAR as good as the smell (and I do like McDonalds!).
I think I'll always need some amount of indulgence just to remind myself that it isn't that great really!