*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

Couple of low 88’s and high 87’s this week. Been busy at work which helps keep diet in check! Got a few social events and a work course overseas in the next few weeks which will be a challenge.

Fitness is getting decent though. Trying to do at least two hour long cycling sessions in the gym in the week which is helping with calorie deficit and cardio fitness. Spin class this morning (thanks Mrs N!) was hard work but I felt like I could maintain a really good power output.
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Back to it this week after stopping football due to covid and a very unsuccessful sting to go back to the gym a few years ago.

Been to the gym twice this week, trying to find a routine. Let's hope I can find one that sticks.
Stopped buying snacks and changed diet up. Also got a smart scale in Amazon's 'deal day'.
ive lost over all from what i was around 30kg, around 85, no 6 pack or close to it, think now i just need to keep were im at. i just didnt want to be obose, i have no desire to have what people think looks a good body, just not obose, after xmas i might go for another 5kg but that would be it
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I was ill and in and out of hospital between March 2020 and September 2022, I went from 90kg down to 55kg, then on Prednisolone up to 112kg in that space of time. I had trousers in all sorts of sizes!
Not far off 40 and reached my shame weight again (over 100kg, 104kg to be exact). I'm quite active but smoke* and eat too much. My cycling miles have dropped a lot but walk a lot more and gym/swim at least twice a week now (balancing act as my right ankle is prone to hurting with over exertion). Although I'm not dropping weight yet, feel a touch slimmer (as others have noted) and weeks ago I would struggle to put together 2 lengths in the pool (front crawl) but can do 15-20 per session now. Annoyingly I've noticed with stopping smoking, I'm more hungry so portion control and my sweet tooth is next on the agenda.

*kicked that in after a friend having a heart attack recently and the big test was a wedding last week, tried a cig and thought it was vile so moving in the right direction.
Last effort before Christmas season starts. Back down to 87.9kg this morning after being away for a course for a couple of days last week.

On reflection, whilst I’m a bit frustrated about the start of the year being so tough with no progress and a bit of backward movement, I’m pleased that I’m back to a similar state to pre-Christmas 2023. If I can maintain things that would be a win in itself.
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Mines crept back up a bit, i've been feeling better which has meant drinking a little more. The wife was away with work last week, and portion control also went out the window. I didn't eat unhealthy stuff, but had big portions and boredom drank after work! On Sunday my wife decided she wanted to make around 1kg of fudge too which was never a good idea for my waist line!

In other news i've signed up with a local PT. I initially went about a sports massage, but after a chat he mentioned he does blocks of sessions which can incorporate either PT or massage and signing up for 20 brings it down to €16/session which feels silly cheap. Had my first session this morning and was surprised at my lack of strength. Hoping that a weekly session focusing on general conditioning and core work with the odd massage every other week will help generally.

Also debating switching my work hours. Currently do 8:30-5 with the goal of getting out on the bike at dinner. The issue being that if work is busy then that gets skipped, then i finish (often late) and then make tea and relax with the wife till she goes to bed between 9-10 which is then too late to do anything. If i switch to 9-5:30 i can try and get out before work and get exercise out of the way. I rarely finish before 5:30 anyway due to US colleagues so wouldn't change much anyway.
Yeah same, but i'm generally rubbish at actually doing it, so hoping pushing it a little makes it more likely to happen. Plus at least there's no stress of missing the day when things happen
Maybe we need to change the thread title to Weight Management thread :D
That's not a bad idea. Just done my first shake, and it's not bad at all.

  • 500ml Whole milk
  • 250ml Greek yoghurt
  • 2 scoops whey protein powder (banana cream)
  • 2x bananas
  • 3tbsp peanut butter
  • 1tbsp honey
  • 50g porridge oats
  • Handful frozen summer berries
That's not a bad idea. Just done my first shake, and it's not bad at all.

  • 500ml Whole milk
  • 250ml Greek yoghurt
  • 2 scoops whey protein powder (banana cream)
  • 2x bananas
  • 3tbsp peanut butter
  • 1tbsp honey
  • 50g porridge oats
  • Handful frozen summer berries

Holy mother of god that sounds good! I’d be tempted to skip the berries and add some dark chocolate instead, but wow that basically captures all my ideal sweet flavours!

I’d be so good at bulking if my metabolism allowed :cry:
That's not a bad idea. Just done my first shake, and it's not bad at all.

  • 500ml Whole milk
  • 250ml Greek yoghurt
  • 2 scoops whey protein powder (banana cream)
  • 2x bananas
  • 3tbsp peanut butter
  • 1tbsp honey
  • 50g porridge oats
  • Handful frozen summer berries
What're the calories in that bad boy?
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