*** Big Fat Weight Loss Thread ***

Well... I can't decide if I'm surprised or not, knowing how much I've eaten over the last couple of weeks, but weighed in at 15st 9lb this morning, which is the highest it's been since November :eek: :(
How’s the cycling going? I’m improving, but find it super hard on any kind of a deficit. Only way to lose weight and make those hills quicker I guess!
Down to 99.40kg today which is nice.

I’ve not eaten brilliantly but can tell the reduction of alcohol is the main factor for me.

Definitely not right still. Had a bottle of red wine Saturday. Wasn’t planned but Lidl were giving away a free bottle. However after 2 glasses I ended up finishing it as it wasn’t the nicest and I didn’t want to drink it the next day! Sunday I felt awful all day suggesting my body is still recovering heavily and the added alcohol then has a big impact. Noticed similar with the strong beer on Monday too.

Hoping that’s enough proof for me to keep it off. Will still have the odd small beer if we’re out and about but all the beers in the fridge at home have been left untouched.

Managed a bike ride yesterday and still felt ok. Trying to do a day on and day off with that to avoid overdoing it. Though going to do some weights this morning I think.
Nice work @Martynt74 ! Booze is great, but absolutely kills any progress if you’re having reasonable quantities. Life is waaay to short to be drinking bad wine - if you don’t like it, pour it down the sink and open another one.

Had a rare midweek drink yesterday and got on the bike today. Sweating buckets and hungry as a result. The frustration is that I probably could have beaten my best power output for an hour given the training I’ve been doing. No point dwelling on it, just need to keep up the work!
Back to work, still showing 99.35kg, so feels like it's cemented under the 100kg mark which is nice.

Got out on the bike yesterday for a longer ride than i've done for a while and really struggled up a relatively easy hill, suggesting recovery from illness is still a long way off. Hoping to try and find consistency of easy 40-60 min easy rides during this week. Have guests coming out again on Wednesday
I think I can safely say that I’m under 90kg consistently again. 89.3kg this morning with similar figures through the week.

Hard work on the bicycle in the gym today. Main improvements have come from logging calories and being honest even if I’m over. Getting leaner for sure, but still some way to go. Taking it slow and steady.

Nice work @Martynt74 with the consistency!
I hit 18st 11lb's beginning of Dec and decided to do something about it but me being me I chose the riskiest way possible. I spent most of my 20's yo-yoing between anorexia and bulimia which is partly why my weight slowly ballooned over the next 20 yrs as I was determined never to restrict food again. Dieting doesn't work for me, the whole 1500 calories bit doesn't work, I used to do 12 hr shifts in a glue factory with an egg cup full of porridge oats which I would eat individually one by one over the course of the shift. I would then go down the gym to work them off. So I know for me it is possible to eat a lot less and still function. My last diet was when I got married, it lasted a week before my wife stopped me, I started at 1500 but by the end of the week was down to 300 and couldn't see the problem with that. Suffice it to say that I have a very unhealthy relationship with food.
Then I discovered intermittent fasting, it took a 2-3 months to get into it as initially I was in the "Ive gone this long, I might as well leave it to tomorrow now" frame of mind, then my wife would feed me 2 days of food the next day to make up for it, we had to find a balance. For me it really works and is the best of both worlds. Im currently doing around 18/6 or 17/7, I can eat what I like in those hours and drink whatever I like during the 18/19hr stretch as long as it has 0 calories. I've discovered Korean black teas :D
I completely get that for people with my history it is risky, but it also works for people with my history and we get to restrict, we get to eat in a narrow window and we get to think about food a lot. That is how our brains like to work. It is like having eating disorder traits without the actual disorder.
Before anyone says anything, my wife watches me like a hawk, she seems happy with what I eat during my window, she wishes I was doing 16/8 or 14/10 but seems OK for now. I get it, eating disorders are the same as alcoholism - you are never cured but learn to manage it. However, I am most definitely not in the same mental frame of mind that I was in during my 20's, I have grown up and am a stronger person, and Im happy that I have found a way to manage losing weight that doesn't destroy me.

Anyway the reason why I jumped in here was to post the following, Im really proud of myself

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