Big headphones in public..look a fool?

The only reason I don't wear my Senn HD 201s when out and about is because my phone output isn't powerful enough to power them, so the volume doesn't go as loud as I would like. Not a problem with IEMs.

i use a neco v2 amp with the twin ad8610 upgrade but its a little bulky in the old pocket ,having said that the hfi780s are fine without but i prefer the sound through the line out

Yeah, Travel on the central line or jubilee line and you'll see all the BOSE and Dr.dre headphones are worn by suits, and i'm one of them, i have a pair of BOSE's and they're simply the best phones i've ever had, sennheiser has gone down hill in the last few years

That's why you buy old school Senn :D

It's nice to just zone out even when crammed into a train on those lines (especially when the Jube goes down ;))

Still hate the BOSE and DRE sound vs £ but that's a different thread all together.
I wear my Sennheiser hd25 headphones out-and-about :o... when I was getting stuff for the train, the other week, someone said "nice headphones" in M&S, though, haha.

I had some Shure in-ear headphones, but they broke :'(.

Snap on both the HD25s and the Shures.

I probably do look even more of a wally than normal but who cares? At least my music sounds great :D
Closed back is fine, open back is not. Get some in-ears if you can't afford closed back's that are good enough, but that's unlikely given the Panasonic RP-HTX7s are about £30
That wasn't the point I was making. It's just that I like to be able to hear what's going on around me, especially if it's busy. In a car I don't really have that problem so much.

It's probably not a good idea to wear them in the library and you're doing work, you can't focus properly if you're listening to music!

I've had plenty of people wearing headphones step out into the road without looking on more than one occasion, perhaps they were a bit zoned out?

Missed your post.

See I go both ways, if in london I nearly always have them with me, especially when commuting. But other times I'm like you and need to hear what's going in.

I hate zoned out peds as much as you. They just love their invisible music shield.
I hate zoned out peds as much as you. They just love their invisible music shield.

Not that long ago a guy that lived near me stepped out infront of an artic lorry doing about 40~ because he was listening to music.

Totally needless death.
Been rocking big headphones for years, started with some massive audio technica ones when i was about 17, they cost a bomb but were awesome.

since i've had bose quiet comforts for past 5-6 years. I got my gf a pair too and I recently upgraded to the QC 1.5's as they are better. I wear them to bed/gym/tube and they get beaten up a lot but never falter.
Not that long ago a guy that lived near me stepped out infront of an artic lorry doing about 40~ because he was listening to music.

Totally needless death.

Quite! Maybe he was listening to 'Stairway to Heaven'.........................:o

I did trail my Grados out on the tube one morning........ They came off my head and sat around my neck after a whole 2mins :D
how so ?

big headphones ae often more comfortable, provide better sound quality and prevent a lot of sound leak so you are actually the person listening rather than the entire bus / train / tube

you are comparing them to earbuds, not in ear monitors.....big difference. In ear monitors are FAR better for travelling than big cans.
I don't think of anything in particular when I see people with big headphones other than, "can that person hear the world around them?". I'd never do it as I quite like listening to world around me, and I'm not a fan of walking around with music.
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