Big Tech Authoritarianism

And, of course, I didn't do that.

I'm wondering if your side is capable of telling the truth. Ever, about anything. Maybe you're compulsive liars to such an extreme degree that you're genuinely incapable of perceiving your own biases.
You have a bit of a thing about accusing people (presumably on the "other side" from you) of lying and being liars, don't you pal?

All except incompetent Trump of course (on whose side I presume you must be?).

Perhaps your posts just are not very coherent and/or clear - that would explain why people fail to understand them?

Anyhow, this is rather drifting away from the topic under discussion (allegedly Big Technology Authoritarianism) so perhaps it is time to move on.
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I take it lily Allen is going to get banned now?


Telling someone like Trump to **** off is not going to get anyone banned. It might get you blocked by people but not banned. You've got to be able to find better examples than that.
Telling someone like Trump to **** off is not going to get anyone banned. It might get you blocked by people but not banned. You've got to be able to find better examples than that.

No, Telling someone like Trump to **** off will get you a pat on the back and celebrated as a wonderful, moralistic champion and a force for good. It's basic virtue signalling from all the celebrities for the past 4 years. I got to be honest, the constant circle jerk by "right-on" celebrities on TV and social media for the last 4 years got very grating. The one good thing that Biden is now the president is that maybe the entitled brats will stop whining for 5 seconds and stop clogging up the likes of Twitter with their moaning.
It was 2 months ago (Nov '20) and she wasn't banned - - but thats not a surprise is it, after all showing the bloody severed head of the President is apparently perfectly acceptable if you lean Left.

For me, using the excuse of art to cross line without punishment would be perfectly fine if, as I say again, it was allowed in both directions, but it's not. Hypocrisy never ever leads to peace and harmony between people, only division and anger and those going along with the hypocrisy just because it's on "your side" right now makes for echo chambers unable to see damage they're doing as they simultaneously call for a time of healing.

Angry people don't just go away when they get banned, they stay angry, their views stay unchallenged and grow harder whilst those screaming for bans congratulate themselves for a job well done as they silence another voice, completely oblivious to the very real danger that still exists and now can grow unchecked.

The original tweet was 2017, she just shared it again a couple of months ago. And again she is a comedian, a rubbish one true but still a comedian. They will always and should always get licence to cross lines. The fact you are trying to compare her to Trump shows how weak your argument is.
The original tweet was 2017, she just shared it again a couple of months ago. And again she is a comedian, a rubbish one true but still a comedian. They will always and should always get licence to cross lines. The fact you are trying to compare her to Trump shows how weak your argument is.

Don't you have to be funny to be a comedian?

Is this like where that lady of a diverse background said that they wanted to kill all white people on tv?

Imagine the comedy where people said they wanted to kill all non white people..
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No, Telling someone like Trump to **** off will get you a pat on the back and celebrated as a wonderful, moralistic champion and a force for good. It's basic virtue signalling from all the celebrities for the past 4 years. I got to be honest, the constant circle jerk by "right-on" celebrities on TV and social media for the last 4 years got very grating. The one good thing that Biden is now the president is that maybe the entitled brats will stop whining for 5 seconds and stop clogging up the likes of Twitter with their moaning.

Trump is as divisive as any politician in my lifetime. Of course he's going to polarise people, that is what he did and revelled in. From the moment he came down that golden elevator he set out to divide America as he saw it as a way to win. So don't be blaming this on celebs, Trump wanted this and it very nearly got him a second term. Its left a country divided like never before and with 80% of republicans believing the election was stolen because the man child couldn't face the fact he lost. What happened on the 6th is all on him. He would have been banned a long time ago if he wasn't POTUS. Parler is back up, he's got a home if he wants it. Working with the Russians is right up his street.
Don't you habe to be funny to be a comedian?

Is this like where that lady of a diverse background said that they wanted to kill all white people on tv?

Imagine the comedy where people said they wanted to kill all non white people..

I'd have no issue if she posted that on social media and was banned.

You don't think comedy should be able to cross lines? Wow you must be real fun.
USA was already divided, that was part of the reason Trump actually got elected in the first place. It's typically referred to as the Culture War (which I think goes back to late 90's/early 2000's in post-modernity). If folks think this will go away with Biden, they are wrong. The world views involved are irreconcilable. In the case of the USA, I'd give the union another ~ 15 years before secession of states.
Trump is as divisive as any politician in my lifetime. Of course he's going to polarise people, that is what he did and revelled in. From the moment he came down that golden elevator he set out to divide America as he saw it as a way to win. So don't be blaming this on celebs, Trump wanted this and it very nearly got him a second term. Its left a country divided like never before and with 80% of republicans believing the election was stolen because the man child couldn't face the fact he lost. What happened on the 6th is all on him. He would have been banned a long time ago if he wasn't POTUS. Parler is back up, he's got a home if he wants it. Working with the Russians is right up his street.

Blah blah blah, i wasn't talking about and don't care about Trump. I was talking about the constant, insufferable bitching from celebrates and hopefully that's over and they go back to breatharianism and circle jerk over how wonderful they are. The way celebrities worship each other is incredibly disturbing, and their behaviour has been a real eye-opener during this pandemic, it has shown them all to be utterly useless hypocrites
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The fact you are trying to compare her to Trump shows how weak your argument is.

What argument? :confused:

Comparing her to Trump? Eh? :confused:

You didn't read my post :D

Just put aside the "ARRRGGGHH TRUMP!!!!"for a second (I know its hard) and actually read what people post slowly and calmly, it makes a world of difference when you understand what people say rather than making things up so you can react negatively to the imagined post you made up in your head.
What argument? :confused:

Comparing her to Trump? Eh? :confused:

You didn't read my post :D

Just put aside the "ARRRGGGHH TRUMP!!!!"for a second (I know its hard) and actually read what people post slowly and calmly, it makes a world of difference when you understand what people say rather than making things up so you can react negatively to the imagined post you made up in your head.

Well from the way you wrote it your argument is why wasn't she banned for a stupid unfunny comedy stunt she did in 2017. Like I said comedians should be able to cross lines. She was vilified from all sides for that stunt, her career ruined, there is the penalty, the market at work. She can't complain as she did it to herself. Comedians often cross lines and pay a price for it or it makes their career. It was a bad comparison to make imo.
Cross lines, sure.

Recommending genocide is never really a joke is it? Its just not funny.

Saying that we should behead someone is also not a joke.

Was this person who made the comment on TV a comedian, you offered no link to who they are. If they aren't then it was a bad comparison. Regardless who here is defending a call to kill people of another colour? What exactly is your argument?

She wasn't saying we should behead someone. She was saying she beheaded someone. It was a terrible attempt at humour and she paid the price of her career being ruined as no one wanted to be associated with her. What more do you want?
Trump placed a 30% import tariff on solar panels in 2017. That was a massive blow to that sector along with tax reforms that effected financing for solar and wind.

Because he wants them to be made in America not in China.

"A massive blow to the sector"
You're literally just making stuff up. Read some proper reports.

US domestic production increased, solar industry employed more people than coal etc etc.

All good stuff for a more resilient, self sufficient, less polluting country
You can manipulate many things by tax incentivising them. The US remains the world's second largest polluter, behind China. It may be growing, but there's a hell of a long way to go.

But you're right, I probably am misinformed. Mainly by the guy that said he loves coal and was bringing back all the coal jobs who just buggered off to Mar-a-Lago. :)

Look at policies and read reports from the clean energy sector rather than a few headlines to grab your attention.
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Look at policies and read reports from the clean energy sector rather than a few headlines to grab your attention.

I have done. Renewables are only around 11% of the US' energy consumption (same as coal according to US EIA figures, slightly more than nuclear). I'm not sure that's particularly impressive at all for a country with the US' energy consumption levels.
Was this person who made the comment on TV a comedian, you offered no link to who they are. If they aren't then it was a bad comparison. Regardless who here is defending a call to kill people of another colour? What exactly is your argument?

She wasn't saying we should behead someone. She was saying she beheaded someone. It was a terrible attempt at humour and she paid the price of her career being ruined as no one wanted to be associated with her. What more do you want?
Do you have a quote from him about that? Just prior he stated: "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." And the violence had started before he had even finished talking.

So the impeachment is totally made up stuff? Right ok.
I have done. Renewables are only around 11% of the US' energy consumption (same as coal according to US EIA figures, slightly more than nuclear). I'm not sure that's particularly impressive at all for a country with the US' energy consumption levels.

Renewables overtook coal last year or the year before for the first time in like a century, i can't remember when it was exactly. Why didn't Obama achieve that if he so good? see, i can say pointless stuff as well.

The point you originally made, trying to insinuate that the slight relaxing of regulation had this huge dramatic effect on the environment and renewables industry is not correct.

The macro trend hasn't changed. Renewables are here to stay and fossil fuel is on its way out, and it'll continue to do that.

Watch how Biden doesn't remove certain tariffs regarding China. Because for all the bluster in the MSM from the democrats about the China tariffs being bad, a lot of them were needed to change the mindset. Obama was told time and time again to start doing something about it, he didn't.

Have you watched that actual clip? I was expecting someone angry saying white people needed to be killed. It was a round table chat with Frankie Boyle talking about the subject of white and black history and capitalism. She made what I guess she thought was a joke with the "but we do" line. Everyone there appears to see it as a joke. It wasn't very funny. She was hardly calling for genocide though. It just isn't as outrageous as you appeared to make it sound. Yeah the Daily Mail were offended but what isn't it offended by that isn't right wing politics. And considering how offensive that paper can be I say meh.
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