Big Tech Authoritarianism

I suspect that many of the problems you appear to be encountering may stem from the places where you follow the news.

Why don't you try the BBC? Radio 4 is even better than the BBC TV; You may be pleasantly surprised :)

The problems I'm observing is mainly from tv news channels, and the newspapers, including (and this might surprise some people) the Daily Mail :eek:

I agree with you about the BBC Radio channels. I find they have more facts and less opinion, unless its a programme about opinions like the Moral Maze :)
I take it lily Allen is going to get banned now?


Inciting hatred against another human being?

Ah, those rules only apply to one side of the "debate" - The other side are seemingly free to post the most vile stuff imaginable without risk of ever being banned because their "target" is seen to be morally objectionable to the Tech Giants.

For example, if I was to now post a picture on Twitter of me holding a large knife and a decapitated blood-soaked Biden head, I would be understandably be banned yet when Kathy Griffin poses on Twitter with a large knife and a decapitated blood-soaked Trump head - TWICE - she isn't banned.

It's that level of absolutely blatant hypocrisy that makes people understandably angry. The old adage of "One rule for me and another for thee" is always going to ferment anger and discontent, and is at odds with the desire for "equality" so many apparently want.
Ah, those rules only apply to one side of the "debate" - The other side are seemingly free to post the most vile stuff imaginable without risk of ever being banned because their "target" is seen to be morally objectionable to the Tech Giants.

For example, if I was to now post a picture on Twitter of me holding a large knife and a decapitated blood-soaked Biden head, I would be understandably be banned yet when Kathy Griffin poses on Twitter with a large knife and a decapitated blood-soaked Trump head - TWICE - she isn't banned.

It's that level of absolutely blatant hypocrisy that makes people understandably angry. The old adage of "One rule for me and another for thee" is always going to ferment anger and discontent, and is at odds with the desire for "equality" so many apparently want.

I mean that tweet you are referring to absolutely tanked Kathy Griffin's career so losing her ability to earn over her ability to tweet seems like a fair trade off to me.

But of course being able to brainfart your bile and garbage over 144 characters whilst you drop a load is some god-given right or whatever the absolute hell you lot are arguing about. :rolleyes:

e: appropriate
I'm sure that having less reliance on imported energy has been good for them in some ways, but it hasn't pushed them to develop greener means of energy production meaning that the environment suffers as a consequence. We see it every year with wildfires and hurricane season and pulling out of an internationally agreed covenant to reduce carbon emissions, effectively deregulating the energy sector, doesn't help that. There would have been no cutting off supply of every day goods, many other countries have remained committed to the accord and haven't had to give up everyday products as a result.

You've been misinformed. Renewables are the fastest growing energy sector in America, nothing has changed on that front for the duration of the Trump presidency. If i remember correctly, renewables overtook coal for the 1st time in like 100 years. Relaxing some regulation around the energy sector doesn't suddenly change large macro trends like renewable energy.
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Only if you believe that Trump is very politically skilled. I don't. I've made it very clear that I think he's politically incompetent.

You said

I think both are true. There was (and continues to be) a massive bias against Trump (and anyone else who doesn't wholly obey the self-styled "progressives", which is to be expected as they're authoritarian bigots) but Trump was an incompetent politician. He was a gift to the other side, a tool they could use to further their goal of more division, more irrational prejudice and more authoritarianism. They're scum, but they're politically skilled scum. Trump against them in politics is like a team of toddlers picked at random from kindergartens playing football against the world cup winning side.

You accuse the Dems of being prejudiced, authoritarian, scum. Yet Trump is the racist who spouted Birtherism, ****hole countries, Mexican rapists, saying a judge Latino shouldn't here a case because of his heritage, telling 4 congresswomen of colour to go back to the countries they came from when 3 of them are US born. There is a wiki page devoted to Trump's racism. He is the most divisive president in modern history and he revelled in it. He claimed he had absolute power, he tried to overturn a free and fair election. The list goes on and on. Yes there are some douche bags on the Dems side but Trump and characters like Jim Jordon, Devin Nunes, Matt Gaetz and lets not forget little facist Stephen Miller are in a league of their own.
You've been misinformed. Renewables are the fastest growing energy sector in America, nothing has changed on that front for the duration of the Trump presidency. If i remember correctly, renewables overtook coal for the 1st time in like 100 years. Relaxing some regulation around the energy sector doesn't suddenly change large macro trends like renewable energy.

You can manipulate many things by tax incentivising them. The US remains the world's second largest polluter, behind China. It may be growing, but there's a hell of a long way to go.

But you're right, I probably am misinformed. Mainly by the guy that said he loves coal and was bringing back all the coal jobs who just buggered off to Mar-a-Lago. :)
Ah, those rules only apply to one side of the "debate" - The other side are seemingly free to post the most vile stuff imaginable without risk of ever being banned because their "target" is seen to be morally objectionable to the Tech Giants.

For example, if I was to now post a picture on Twitter of me holding a large knife and a decapitated blood-soaked Biden head, I would be understandably be banned yet when Kathy Griffin poses on Twitter with a large knife and a decapitated blood-soaked Trump head - TWICE - she isn't banned.

It's that level of absolutely blatant hypocrisy that makes people understandably angry. The old adage of "One rule for me and another for thee" is always going to ferment anger and discontent, and is at odds with the desire for "equality" so many apparently want.

Kathy Griffen is a comedian, a very bad comedian but still comedy gets to cross lines. I think her career suffered from that stunt so she paid a price. That was also a while ago, if she tried that now I'm fairly sure she'd get banned.
If an ordinary person did such a thing then yes kick them off the platform, let them go to 4chan or that other hard right twitter like platform Gab, where anything goes. I've zero issue with such content being kicked off mainstream social media. There is a place for that stuff on the internet, take it there.
You've been misinformed. Renewables are the fastest growing energy sector in America, nothing has changed on that front for the duration of the Trump presidency. If i remember correctly, renewables overtook coal for the 1st time in like 100 years. Relaxing some regulation around the energy sector doesn't suddenly change large macro trends like renewable energy.

Trump placed a 30% import tariff on solar panels in 2017. That was a massive blow to that sector along with tax reforms that effected financing for solar and wind.
That was also a while ago, if she tried that now I'm fairly sure she'd get banned.

It was 2 months ago (Nov '20) and she wasn't banned - - but thats not a surprise is it, after all showing the bloody severed head of the President is apparently perfectly acceptable if you lean Left.

For me, using the excuse of art to cross line without punishment would be perfectly fine if, as I say again, it was allowed in both directions, but it's not. Hypocrisy never ever leads to peace and harmony between people, only division and anger and those going along with the hypocrisy just because it's on "your side" right now makes for echo chambers unable to see damage they're doing as they simultaneously call for a time of healing.

Angry people don't just go away when they get banned, they stay angry, their views stay unchallenged and grow harder whilst those screaming for bans congratulate themselves for a job well done as they silence another voice, completely oblivious to the very real danger that still exists and now can grow unchecked.
the POTUS inciting an insurrection?
Do you have a quote from him about that? Just prior he stated: "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." And the violence had started before he had even finished talking.
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Trump placed a 30% import tariff on solar panels in 2017. That was a massive blow to that sector along with tax reforms that effected financing for solar and wind.

He imposed an import tariff. Mainly aimed at China. One of a number of import tariffs. One directly and publically asked for by USA solar panel manufacturers. Like all import tariffs, the purpose (or at least the main purpose) is to increase domestic production. From the article you linked to:

U.S. panel maker First Solar Inc. jumped 9 percent to $75.20 in after-hours trading in New York. The Tempe, Arizona-based manufacturer stands to gain as costs for competing, foreign panels rise.

In many cases, more local production is more environmentally friendly than distant production and large scale transportation.
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