Bigscreen Beyond PCVR Headset

How? How much will that cost? Will Big screen cash in another £100-£200 for the bespoke gasket?

VR is in such a messy direction. We don't even know if Valve will be using base stations for the INdex 2. There is a potential someone will buy base stations, index controllers and a big screen VR headset - only to find out Valve have mastered inside out tracking. which means you're stuck with abespoke made VR headset and gen 1 pre-historic (by that point) sensors.

VR is in such a weird place. Part of me thinks buy a PSVR2, enjoy the experiences on there and hopefully by the time you've burnt through the VR library - PCVR will be a bi more standardised.
The issue with that is... I'm sure I could burn through PSVR2s exclusive library in a month (max!).

I'd go as far as to say the Big screen's price tag makes the Apple VR headset look cheap.
-Better displays
-On board processing
-Top class audio
- Top class OS/Software
- an actual laptop grade processor on the headset
- best in class pass through
- motion controls best in class
etc. etc.

Now of course, its a poor comparison as the APple headset can't be used for PCVR as of right now - but from a hardware perspective, the £1.2k vs £3.5k ... is very apparent in why its so much more, and dare I say the Apple VR headset should be more MORE expensive given BGS's price tag.

There is just so much lacking, for such a high price tag on the big screen. I think its hard to digest and argue from a value proposition how poor it is and how quickly i will become outdated potentially. I can only imagine their profit margins per headset must be very high to mitigate any risk. And the glare on it does not look promising too!

lol what?

Ok the Apple has better displays than the Bigscreen. That's about it.

-On board processing, who cares if you're a PC VR gamer. Apple has avoided talking about gaming on the Vision Pro, so that clearly shows what their priorities are.
-Top class audio, literally a $40 pair of airbuds that you plug into the USB port on the Beyond is going to be far better audio than any HMD audio.
-Top class OS/Software, ya that's worthless for the PC space and PC VR.
-Laptop grad processor, once again more heat/power/weight that isn't needed for PC.
-Pass through has very limited appeal for PC VR gamers.
-Based off hands which once again won't work with PC VR ever most likely.

Literally comparing apples to Oranges with a Beyond vs Vision Pro.
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It's an unreleased headset. We can't say anything is top class yet. It probably will be, and for the price it damn well should be, but we had the same thing from psvr2, on release of specs it was the best thing ever, by the time it was released it was good, but not world breaking.

Vr moves fast, and only on release can it be properly judged.

If they've nailed hand tracking, then it could be an awesome gaming headset with the right accessories.
lol what?

Ok the Apple has better displays than the Bigscreen. That's about it.

-On board processing, who cares if you're a PC VR gamer. Apple has avoided talking about gaming on the Vision Pro, so that clearly shows what their priorities are.
-Top class audio, literally a $40 pair of airbuds that you plug into the USB port on the Beyond is going to be far better audio than any HMD audio.
-Top class OS/Software, ya that's worthless for the PC space and PC VR.
-Laptop grad processor, once again more heat/power/weight that isn't needed for PC.
-Pass through has very limited appeal for PC VR gamers.
-Based off hands which once again won't work with PC VR ever most likely.

Literally comparing apples to Oranges with a Beyond vs Vision Pro.

You saved me writing a reply!! Well said.
lol what?

Ok the Apple has better displays than the Bigscreen. That's about it.

-On board processing, who cares if you're a PC VR gamer. Apple has avoided talking about gaming on the Vision Pro, so that clearly shows what their priorities are.
-Top class audio, literally a $40 pair of airbuds that you plug into the USB port on the Beyond is going to be far better audio than any HMD audio.
-Top class OS/Software, ya that's worthless for the PC space and PC VR.
-Laptop grad processor, once again more heat/power/weight that isn't needed for PC.
-Pass through has very limited appeal for PC VR gamers.
-Based off hands which once again won't work with PC VR ever most likely.

Literally comparing apples to Oranges with a Beyond vs Vision Pro.

From a price point perspective.

I struggle to personally justify the Big Screen's price. It looks like a very good form factor device. OLED displays which is awesome. But a subpar FOV, no audio, and glare on the screens leaves it lacking for me.

I'd edge towards the Crystal over the Big screen. Wish the Crystal was OLED. Then again I've noticed you own a crystal so can shed better light. r
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It's the price that puts me off (and I own a Quest Pro and an Index!). It's just not good value, as it's only a display device. I already have the SteamVR lighthouses and controllers for this, but £1000 + Prescription lenses + an audio strap without any controllers or a wireless capability is a bit much. Doesn't mean I'm not interested - I am - but I'm not pre-ordering.
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I've been asking the bigscreen team for months about the steamvr render resolution. They never answer the question, but some of the early beta testers assured everyone they'd managed to get a 1:1 mapping at 2560x2560.

Anyway, it's a load of crap. I spoke to MRTV yesterday who has the final revision, and he checked for me. It's 3292x3292, so slightly harder to run than a G2 or Pico4.

No idea why it's been such a guarded secret.
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I've been asking the bigscreen team for months about the steamvr render resolution. They never answer the question, but some of the early beta testers assured everyone they'd managed to get a 1:1 mapping at 2560x2560.

Anyway, it's a load of crap. I spoke to MRTV yesterday who has the final revision, and he checked for me. It's 3292x3292, so slightly harder to run than a G2 or Pico4.

No idea why it's been such a guarded secret.
That's much lower than the Crystals afaik, read about several people running that at lower than native resolution in order to get enough fps, which negates the purpose of using a high res hmd imo.
That's much lower than the Crystals afaik, read about several people running that at lower than native resolution in order to get enough fps, which negates the purpose of using a high res hmd imo.

Pico4 (3120x3120)x2 = 19.46m
Bigscreen (3292x3292)x2 = 21.67m (+11% over Pico4)
Pimax Crystal (3232x3824)x2 = 24.71m (+14% over Bigscreen)

Due to the streaming overhead on Pico4, I think a good guess is that bigscreen will run at around the same fps, whilst feeling/looking much better.
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Looks like it's going to be a really good hmd with the best form factor yet, if only it had wireless capability....
One for sim racers, update now they have a production unit. In short nothing major as their prototype was a recent one. Still keep coming back to this as my next potential upgrade. Need to see more user feedback first though.

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Adjustable IPD and a universal face gasket would have made this a great headset but I feel it’s just too niche the way it is.

I was all for this headset, but I think they took it a bit too far. It's incredible they managed to get it down to 127g but the trade off is having a tiny sweetspot due to the eyebox, which then adds glare and edge distortion.
Thinking about it, I'd have been happy with something the size of the pico 4, maybe with a bit of added weight to the rear. If they'd have made a native pcvr headset, lighthouse, 2560 oled panels it would have been lighter than the pico with much better specs. They would have sold more, and maybe even had a bit bigger profit margin.

That said, I still take my hat off to them. They have set themselves apart from the rest for sure, but there is still a giant gap in the market for a G2 replacement. If anyone can make a pcvr headset for around £600 they will clean up. Not everyone wants/needs something over £1k
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If this had pancake lenses as good as the Quest Pro or Quest 3 then I'd be all over this. Once you're used to almost no glare and being able to look around with your eyes rather than having to turn your head then you just don't want to go back.
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