Bike Meet Version 2.0 - A44 to Aberystwyth

Don't know about the BBQ but I'm sure there will be somewhere amongst 22 acres we could have one.
I don't really want to ring again until I ring to book.

Think the best way would be for us all to ring individually & pay by card. I'll set up a party/name that we can all join.
I'm probably up for this although I'll do a proper check of my calendar later.

I'll be coming from Manchester so if anyone else is close or coming from further north then we could convoy.
I think you need to start a new thread as well so we can determin those who will make it.

Will do. I'll let this long weekend pass & sort a new thread & a Party name. It will be easier if we all just ring the place & book to a party name then pay on our cards/whatever. People can then post in the thread to let us know they are booked in & we can get some Real numbers. :)
Why did you have to turn right out of the petrol station? I was trying to get a look at that girl walking up the road :(
Sweet vids mate & Thanks, Road looks quite grippy in the vid how did it feel, I see ya get the wheel up at 22 an all. What happened didn't the Dude buy the bike ?
Oh well. Got my lad that weekend so I'll have to give this one a miss. :(

Plus I've us booked a trackday at Oulten for the 27th and don't want to trash my tyres.

Have fun boys. Look forward to the pics.
The A44 isn't just license threateningly quick, for lots of it, it is custodial sentencely quick.

The wheelie wasn't on purpose.

The camera is a POV HD.
Well Thanks for taking the effort mate & you won't have to worry about me breaking any laws I'm Grandad slow, Agnes is the Mentalist. :D
I'm going to have to drop out of this one. Another meet I am going on has been moved from early July to June 24th. It was a tough choice but this other meet is with a bunch of people I've not met yet so that swung it.
Really would love to go but I can't as my funds are low and I have to buy a new helmet because my visor just ripped of comming down the motorway today :( Will make sure I can make the next one tho!
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