Biker's Cafe Chatroom

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Gutted for you mate, that's terrible.

I do wonder where this is headed. Bike theft is rapidly getting out of hand, here in London they're stealing bikes in broad daylight on seriously busy streets, these guys know the cops won't do jack **** so just do their thing. It's only a matter of time before bikers take the matter in to their own hands, and I suspect that will get very messy. Something's gotta give and the cops just aren't interested. I wonder how long it'll take them to become interested when one of these thieves has his face ripped off by a biker doing a burnout on his face.
Theft is quite bad in Doncaster and surrounding areas, I keep both of mine out of sight the best I can with chains and disc locks, along with a ground anchor in the garage.

It annoys the hell out of me - I think if I saw anyone stealing anyone else's bike or mine - they would be smacked. No need for it, bike have souls too you know. :p
Gutted for you mate, that's terrible.

I do wonder where this is headed. Bike theft is rapidly getting out of hand, here in London they're stealing bikes in broad daylight on seriously busy streets, these guys know the cops won't do jack **** so just do their thing. It's only a matter of time before bikers take the matter in to their own hands, and I suspect that will get very messy. Something's gotta give and the cops just aren't interested. I wonder how long it'll take them to become interested when one of these thieves has his face ripped off by a biker doing a burnout on his face.

Police won't chase bike thieves but they'll do us for assault if we catch them.

I saw an article a few months ago of a man being charged with gbh after he beat up 2 blokes breaking into his house looking for bike keys.
No, it is completely sensible if unreasonable force was used. In the UK catching someone in the act of a crime doesn't give you the licence to suddenly become judge, jury and executioner, no matter how despicable the thieving scum.
Couple of reliable sightings of my bike being ridden through a part of Edinburgh notorious with bike thieves. Both within half an hour of each other and same description of two teenage looking scroats with addidas bottoms, black helmets and bike jackets. Said to be riding normally and not spanking it, which makes me think they reckon they can sell it?

Spent 4 hours driving around the area myself, but no luck. Couple of suspect looking bikes parked on the road with covers over that I'd ideally like to check, but it's getting into slightly dodgy territory there.

Insurance phoned and confirmed it will take months to sort out as they 'have' to wait to see if the bike is recovered. With a £450 excess to pay out as well, it's easy to see why folk are tempted to go vigilante!
It is when they mess with My stuff...

No, it isn't, not unless you want to end up with a far worse charge than the chaps that just nicked your bike. Tempting though it may be to dial up the testosterone and go all alpha, you'll likely only be able to tell everyone about it after you've left prison and described what it is like to pick up a bar of soap in the shower. Bellowing out loud while you thump a keyboard against your chest is a little bit different in real life.
I've wondered what I would do. Being at the edge of an estate I've wondered what would happen if I did dish out some pain. What would happen to my car or windows etc.

I've settled with either just disturb them and scare them off as still having the bike is the priority or depending on circumstances, dive in and pin the scrote down to hand to the police
Insurance phoned and confirmed it will take months to sort out as they 'have' to wait to see if the bike is recovered. With a £450 excess to pay out as well, it's easy to see why folk are tempted to go vigilante!

That's nuts! Who are you with? When my bike was taken, my insurance were fantastic (Carole Nash using Aviva.) They had me a brand new replacement within 4 weeks and didn't bother to wait for the police to investigate - the claim was settled before the police closed the case.

I'm sure I saw a stolen bike last night. Two young kids with only helmets, on a bike with no number plate - they were going at least 60 in a 30 too.
Had my first ride since the arm breakage today. Only to work but it felt really good, was worried my confidence might have had a knock but so far so good. Going to take it easy for a while and only ride in the dry for until I'm completely happy again.
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