Biker's Cafe Chatroom

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Exactly what I was thinking - why did he change lanes? For no reason. The white BMW is speeding (I'm guessing it's a 30 zone there as no repeaters and street lights) but he comes up behind the biker in the outside lane and has to undertake him. I hate MLM and will happily undertake them as getting them to move over is a waste of time - if the biker had been in the correct lane it would have been a driver going faster then him (which is their choice, if they want to speed, let them) overtaking him, which isn't exactly a big deal...

I think we know who the **** is.... :rolleyes:
Eh ringroads you tend to stay in the outside lane if you are not getting off at the next exit, perhaps that is the unwritten rule.

Like there is a junction in my town which goes straight on or left and is actually only one big lane but people make it two lanes and always have done, so people from out of town get very confused when people pull up alongside them and they can't go left anymore.
Looking at insurance on a 701s. If I say the bike is kept overnight in a locked garage, the quote is over £500 cheaper(!)

I presume if I *bent the truth* and stated it was kept in a garage, this would only be an issue if it was stolen from my house?

The bike would be stored in my garden, only accessible through a very narrow alleyway, a floor to ceiling metal gate, another large reinforced wooden gate, and secured by an Almax 4 + disklocks etc It's under CCTV and would have a tracker too, which sends alerts to my phone on any movement detected.

I'm not worried about it getting stolen from my garden, but wondering if I ever made a claim for a crash etc, could they invalidate the insurance if they found I had no garage. If that makes sense?
Your justrobbing yourself,if it gets stolen and they find out there's no garage,then your insurance ain't worth the paper its written on
Your justrobbing yourself,if it gets stolen and they find out there's no garage,then your insurance ain't worth the paper its written on

It sucks. £500 is a huge difference. I've tried speaking to them, explained my security arrangements, and they wouldn't budge. They said they would have to select driveway, even though it's not on a driveway(!)
In that case, have you tried the secure car park option? That might be cheaper although not sure if your parking is classed as a secured car park?

With my accident & my brothers (I say accident, but it was more like cars driving in to us...), they didn't even mention garage or check any of that stuff.
As the saying goes "Suck it up buttercup", the likely hood of them finding out you didn't have a garage if you claimed for a crash is low but there is always a chance then not only have you got no bike but I imagine you'll be marked down as riding with no insurance and then the real fun begins.
Same with my car insurance, the cheapest option was to select public road. A secure car park came out more than public road, wtf? :p

BTW My mate selected a garage in his policy and his claim came through fine without any issues. Depends if you want to take the gamble or not...
@IC3 was it stolen from his home though?

Edit:I think only if it gets stolen from your home address and you stated it was garaged when you had no garage,they are gonna checkup on it I would have thought
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Will the speed triple exhaust fit the street triple anyone know? Or modified to fit?

Can't find any brand new Arrow exhausts for the street triple.
3-2 or 3-1?

Have you tried the Blade Group website & also eBay? Looks like you can still get Akra 3-2 new for around £600. Really depends how much you want to spend as well.
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