Bikers Youtube thread

Roll on Summer!

Great video, makes me want to get out there right now (minus the slightly mental climbing bit :eek: I might manage some gentle mountain walking... :p)
That last one's a bit too much 'noise for the sake of noise' for me, a bit OTT.

And yeah i felt it was a little small, however I ride a CB400, so.... :p

Anyone else who normally rides with earplugs in ever take their bike out up the road for 10 minutes and suddenly realise just how bloody loud it is when it pops and bangs on the over run? :eek::D:cool: I need to do a proper video with some decent audio, I swear it sounds amazing :D

Oh and I now know what my bike feels like when it's nearly out of fuel, it was like it was running on 2 or 3 cylinders. I managed to get 18 litres of fuel into an 18 litre tank :eek::o
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My heart tells me to buy a MT07, but my brain to get a 2nd hand SV650 for half the amount of money I would have to spend on the MT07... :(


Full video of that crash. The guy lived who crashed, he went over the barrier and another biker coming the opposite way tried to dodge him/debris and lowsided himself and then got run over by a car who fled the scene.

Yer swerved to dodge flying body and bike parts, lowsided himself and got run over!

How the main guy ended right over on the verge God only knows! Looked in a bad way himself.
Full video of that crash. The guy lived who crashed, he went over the barrier and another biker coming the opposite way tried to dodge him/debris and lowsided himself and then got run over by a car who fled the scene.


That's the kind of video I shouldn't be watching the day before my training. Makes me question why I even want to ride now. Even when you're not the one being a hooligan you can still pay the price.:(
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