Thanks bud. Bugger.
Got too many other newer games to play these days, so they've lost me on this one then.
I just read on PCgamer that if you can provide proof of purchase of the retail copy you can still get them for free on steam.
Well great, but how on earth am I supposed to prove my DVD purchase of circa nine years ago? What sort of OCD cretin keeps receipts for that long? There must be another way. Surely a phot of the box, dvd and game manual with code on the back would be better????
I've done that with Origin games. Added some old DVD copies to my account so they can be downloaded as the discs weren't working. All I needed was a photo of the retail box, with the discs and the key visible, and my signature and date. Signature was odd as they wouldn't have anything to compare to but I went with it.
Maybe steam could do similar.
Well great, but how on earth am I supposed to prove my DVD purchase made nine years ago?! What sort of OCD cretin keeps receipts for that long? There must be another way. Surely a photo of the box, dvd and game manual with code on the back would be better????
What sort of OCD cretin keeps receipts for that long?
Well great, but how on earth am I supposed to prove my DVD purchase made nine years ago?! What sort of OCD cretin keeps receipts for that long? There must be another way. Surely a photo of the box, dvd and game manual with code on the back would be better????
This is why I always slide the receipt into the DVD case.
so if you own any bioshock game does it upgrade them on steam or do you need to own all to qualify ?