Just had a look myself, can we play it this weekend because this is the "vip demo" thats live atm?
or do we have to wait till 1-3rd feb for the public demo.
Need to wait for public.
Just had a look myself, can we play it this weekend because this is the "vip demo" thats live atm?
or do we have to wait till 1-3rd feb for the public demo.
took that thank youVIP Friend pass link if anyone wants. Not sure if it works, some people been having issues.
I really want to like this game but the demo has been an utter atrocity.
I have played for hours in free play gunning down enemies and collecting loot but every time I end a session the game just will not load out and therefore will not show me what loot I got... How on earth was a game designed this way? Surely the items should just sit in my inventory regardless of whether I end a session!
I then played some more and I was unable to pick up loot at all, it would just sit there on the floor as I walked over it. I haven't been keeping track really but I also think it stopped awarding me levels.
As everyone has already said the interface is abysmal, designed for a controller setup and completely unsuited to mouse and keyboard. The interface is also really buggy and icons fail to load 80% of the time making stuff stupidly hard to do.
FPS seems pretty low for what we're looking at from a graphic perspective which is super dumbed down from those reveal trailers in the first place. In fact this is probably the lowest FPS I have seen in any game to date on my 1080ti. Running at 3440x1440 most modern games are running 80 - 140 FPS but Anthem is often around 60 and rarely above 70.
In conclusion I don't know what this Demo was meant to be, most of the time companies release a 'Beta' which is basically final game code. In this case they have released a 'Demo' which is riddled with issues of every kind.
I’m happy with the ranger play style. Mixed feelings about the colossus. The heavy weapons and abilities are great. The shield is Reinhardt from overwatch; need to get the timing and direction of it but it’s a game changer. The problem is it’s just too slow at turning, jumping etc. I’ve not got the hang of it yet but was taking tons of damage as I couldn’t get out the way or I was flinched and couldn’t react.
Yea I'm not sure what I was doing with the colossus, it is supposed to be the tank but I had no health regen or shield? I know I can pick up health packs but... It was just super weird. Then I saw another guy in a colossus who appeared to have a shield... Idk, wish I had unlocked the melee suitYea agree and glad it's not jsut me, I think the colossus could really do with a buff in a few ways.
Played 5 or so hours so far. Have to say, I'm disappointed. I really wanted this to be good but had serious reservations, turns out they were right. What's the point in a demo if your serves overload and crash on the first day. Then on the second day, people constantly get game breaking bugs, like this infinite loading glitch.
The concept of the game is cool and the art work is nice. However there's far too many particle effects, it becomes disorientating. Honestly seems like they're trying to distract you with a pixel firework show, so you don't notice what lies beneath. Other issues:
- Limited abilities, which clearly are all unlocked very early in the game. Therefore you're constantly chaining the same skills.
- Only 30 odd levels to grind out.
- All the scenery is the same and they've confirmed the full game will all look like the demo. No other landscapes like desert etc.
- Loading screens, so ****ing many loading screens. Even with a high spec PC these take forever, it's 2019, not 2000.
- Clunky flight controls with K&M, may improve with practice.
Unless they make huge leaps in the next month I won't be buying this, which is a real shame. I wanted a good PvE game I could relax and enjoy.
Again, this is a demo i.e. a small portion of a finished game, not a beta. They chose to call it that. Very poor, what I expect when EA are involved tbh.