Bioware's Anthem

It’s looks and basic gameplay are the two things it has going for it. But the lack of variety and the half baked nature of everything else around it kill the whole game for me. And that’s before we even get to all of the technical issues such as disconnects, CTD’s, broken missions, etc. Still it’s nice to hear that some people have persevered and are enjoying it. It gives me hope that they’ll continue to improve it and it’ll be worth revisiting in the future.
I'm surprised nobody has posted any of their Javelin's after reading the thread on the EA forums showing off their unique designs.
I'm surprised nobody has posted any of their Javelin's after reading the thread on the EA forums showing off their unique designs.

Sadly all the cosmetics they kept showing off prior to launch aren't available yet and the few sets they've drip fed via the cash shop haven't appealed to me. Now they've added the cosmetic chests it's still not worth going back to farm anything as the drop rates aren't rewarding still.

I'm still rocking one of the default javelins sets with the LOD helmet and kept the colour scheme the same.
Sadly all the cosmetics they kept showing off prior to launch aren't available yet and the few sets they've drip fed via the cash shop haven't appealed to me. Now they've added the cosmetic chests it's still not worth going back to farm anything as the drop rates aren't rewarding still.

I'm still rocking one of the default javelins sets with the LOD helmet and kept the colour scheme the same.

Even showing off their colour/chrome/gold schemes was sweet on the EA forums. I went Bumble Bee and Kawasaki Ninja ZX for my Interceptors, Iron Man Mark 42 for Ranger and Nuclear Man for Storm. :D

Only level 16 at the moment.
I play Ranger the most. This is me, it's based on something my GP referred me to the hospital for.

I didn't post mine cause I didn't wanted anyone nicking my designs:)) Game is fun in small portions. I have stopped playing it as much. Kinda turned my head to ARK Survival Single Player:)
I didn't post mine cause I didn't wanted anyone nicking my designs:)) Game is fun in small portions. I have stopped playing it as much. Kinda turned my head to ARK Survival Single Player:)

Easy to take a screenshot of a player's colour scheme when in a game or end of mission.
I have no skills I am old and play to have fun,I am ok with that.

I didn't mean gaming skills, I meant your actual Javelin skills. As above you didn't use the shield, didn't use your skills bound to Q&E much either. Once you start using those the gameplay is a lot more varied!

The most shocking thing is they actually thought DA:I was a success. Clear from all of this that DA 4 will be a flop as well. Death by politics and through the giant corporate leech that is EA.

RIP Bioware 1995-2012

Read this earlier, It's really a quite fascinating read. As suspected a bit of a cluster****. That being said I'm usually on the F EA bandwagon but this sound like the blame needs to lay squarely on Bioware leadership for the most part, EA seem to have been fairly hands off and after 5 years were like WTF is this? Rightfully so and then gave them a hard deadline of by March 2019 which after 7 years isn't unreasonable. Yes they were forced to use Frostbite but they were unwilling to use the work already done by the DA:I and Andromeda teams for the sake of saying it was new...that just seems woefully inefficient.

On the DA:I point, well it was a success in terms of being well reviewed and commercially sold well (circa 4 million copies or so). Despite not being what we wanted as a sequel it's not incorrect to say it was a success.
Read this earlier, It's really a quite fascinating read. As suspected a bit of a cluster****. That being said I'm usually on the F EA bandwagon but this sound like the blame needs to lay squarely on Bioware leadership for the most part, EA seem to have been fairly hands off and after 5 years were like WTF is this? Rightfully so and then gave them a hard deadline of by March 2019 which after 7 years isn't unreasonable. Yes they were forced to use Frostbite but they were unwilling to use the work already done by the DA:I and Andromeda teams for the sake of saying it was new...that just seems woefully inefficient.

On the DA:I point, well it was a success in terms of being well reviewed and commercially sold well (circa 4 million copies or so). Despite not being what we wanted as a sequel it's not incorrect to say it was a success.

Reading that mind you getting off Frostbite should have been their first priority after previous titles.
I didn't mean gaming skills, I meant your actual Javelin skills. As above you didn't use the shield, didn't use your skills bound to Q&E much either. Once you start using those the gameplay is a lot more varied!
LOL I still have no skills but I just started the game I did not even know I had a shield until I hit a button in game, just pressing buttons for now.

Is that blur and visual popping as bad when playing as the video? makes me want to vomit 10 seconds in and I have no problem playing all kinds of games but that is pure horrific.
I enjoy the game and it was free ,so perfect for me, I understand that lots of people do not like the game.

I really love getting immersed in its world for endless hours.

I just started playing and I like it .It has everything I like in a game. Only thing I do not like is freeplay with other people. I would rather just go on my own and play and enjoy the visuals.
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