In my experience a shotgun didn't feel like a pistol and a pistol didn't feel like a sniper rifle. Not sure what you mean. The model's for the guns are limited but when I'm shooing things I don't notice anyway.
I've enjoyed it, you haven't. C'est la vie.
Agreed, and there is a difference between normal and orange/yellow loot. They also look different. The game has a lot of flaws, all aside for me it is the lack of stats screen and that you cannot type a message to tell idiots what to do, instead of dying or not doing what they are supposed to do. I love the people that carry mission objectives, and they decide to take on the whole armada instead of going to drop it off.
I got 100 hours and still have plenty to do. I didn't burn through the game at a fast pace, a lot of those hours were also spent on customising each javelin. I didn't hit the issues that a lot of people, apparently did. If they keep rolling patches to fix issues and add new things, great. I did play TD1 from the beginning and I really don't see what other people see. The content was just as limited once you went through the main story. Sure they added some new end game stuff but Anthem has 3 Strongholds, Division had only 1.
Not to compare apples and oranges but can you even compare the freedom of movement to that of TD, or other games out there? You know the game in which you CANNOT Jump? Your character is stuck on rails, sure you can climb stuff, but that only means that the rails go up too. At least here I can approach the same mission in 1000 different ways, I am not forced to ONLY go that Way. Where other games focus on the horizontal, Anthem had to also make sure that vertically the game was sound.
I guess that you either like it or you don't. I love the feel of the game, not many games out there that this can compare to. Density might be great but the FPS Camera only means that people like me, that have motion sickness will hate the game. Almost threw all my insides playing Dying Light, but I powered through and finished off with my mates coop. Not to mention the fact that in Destiny you loot all this great gear only to NEVER be able to see it since there is no 3rd person camera. Sorry, you can see it in the Inventory menu right? I don't play the game so... not sure how it works. As a loot game, I wanna see my $h*t. This is why in RPG games, most of the time I like to make a female character, if I am looking at a bum for the next 1000 hours, might as well be a nice one

I really hope that the game pull through and that it will keep getting the love that it deserves from EA and BioWare. Ideally more content, new Javelins etc.