Bioware's Anthem

Hmm... How far are you, what is the last mission you've completed? and have you spoken to all the yellow chat bubbles in Fort Tarsis as it triggers more to unlock missions before you can get access to the other Strongholds. Since there is 4 in total after the story is complete.

Tyrant Mine
Temple of Scar
Heart of Rage
Sunken Cell

"The access to first Strongholds is unlocked automatically after progressing in the main story - you need to complete a story mission "Finding Old Friends" in which you visit the hideout of Princess Zhim."

"After the return to Fort Tarsis, you'll begin conversations with Owen, Haluk, and Faye. Then, you need to meet with Tassyn to give your report from the expedition. Tassyn will tell you about new, more difficult contracts that you can undertake from now on."
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New player here. Currently still exploring the game's basics. I was doing some freeplay and managed to complete a world event by myself. However, on the last part some random guy jumped in and helped me. When the chest came out he was able to open it first. I am assuming he got all the loot? How does loot sharing work with this game?

Also, can i form a party while doing freeplay? Can I message a random player on freeplay?
Between playing this and Insurgency: Sandstorm I forgot to update the thread. Had one weird bug mind, the update seems to have wiped out all my social contacts in game.
They are that quiet and take so long to get an update out there isn't many playing now, I fired it up at the weekend just to have a look and struggled to get a full group to run a gm1 or 2 stronghold.
They are that quiet and take so long to get an update out there isn't many playing now, I fired it up at the weekend just to have a look and struggled to get a full group to run a gm1 or 2 stronghold.

Odd, I'm always getting full groups. GM2 is what I'm always running since GM1 the loot is weak and everything dies so easily in Strongholds. Think our fastest mission was 13 minutes something. While GM2 throws lots of masterworks and legendaries here and there. Think I've gotten 10 - 12 legendaries the past week.
Odd, I'm always getting full groups. GM2 is what I'm always running since GM1 the loot is weak and everything dies so easily in Strongholds. Think our fastest mission was 13 minutes something. While GM2 throws lots of masterworks and legendaries here and there. Think I've gotten 10 - 12 legendaries the past week.

How many have been upgrades?

When I was playing it daily I got to the point where the drops were that low even when you got a legendary it wasn't an upgrade or a copy of what I had originally. They messed the drop rate up for 12 hours and that was the best 12 hours of Anthem we had. It was like when Diablo 3 did the drop rate increase weekend and suddenly drops became fun and Blizzard finally said we're sticking with this, EA and Bioware reverted that without saying anything until community started querying it on the subreddit and drops have been poor since.

It's a shame I really liked the combat and it had sprinkling of being a great game but it doesn't seem like they've done much at all since March.
I still dip in and out of this game, if for no other reason than in places in can look so damn beautiful in places and the shooting feels great. A lot of people seem to be really happy with the cataclysm update and are saying it fixes a lot of what was broken. I played a few missions/Strongholds last night and seems quite a good update, plenty to do and a few puzzles have been added in.
I did want to get this until it sounded so bad at launch. What is it like now?

Gameplay looks good...

Have you ever burnt a piece of toast because you weren't paying attention, and then attempted to scrape off the burnt bits in hope of salvaging it? That's what the developers are doing with this game. Also, the toast is covered in festering monkey vomit.
I know. Saw that on Reddit and it really ****** me off. I haven't had a single yellow drop for me since the patch.

The game keeps throwing me legendary weapons. I don't want anymore. It's starting to annoy me. I've had 15-ish? legendaries for the past 9 days. I really love the crack like thunder from the fire explosions with the legendary Warden.

The legendary Anvil is also quite nice for taking on the Bristleback.

I want a legendary Viper's Bite and more good Interceptor inscriptions. With the gear I currently like for my play style, I'm 798 but if I put on my other legendary items it's 812 plus. GM3 really is becoming a lot of fun.

I'm also seeing a lot of new people levelling up 17 and lower in the launch bay and some blue and epic players in freeplay as well as some quickplay missions. The epic javelin's were struggling to kill the two Fury's in GM3.
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