Bioware's Anthem

So I this game completely dead now?

I’ve seen it for £5 in most places, It’s got to be worth that surely??

Does it still get updates?

And one more thing. Will it brick my console??


I logged into Origin the other day and both Anthem and Tropico 6 full games had been added to my Library, you might have it for free.

Shame i can't even get the game to connect when i boot it up, perma tries to connect but never does.. tried everything.
I was a hardcore player and loved it but I ended pulling the plug. I was on here defending the game until I felt sheepish. I heard Cataclysm gave it a boost. Is this still going on and worth giving it a go? We tried to get a OCUK group a while back but the timing was just not working for everyone. I guess if you can get non PUG teams then the game would be fun. I was really tempted in having 4 or 5 kids just so I can have my own 4/5 man team for all Games:)))
If the idiots had waited a year and released a viable game, they'd have a long term money-maker. But no, instead they've got a dead meme of game. A lost opportunity for all. I was excited for it, but when it released to howls of derision, it was never going to get to play it, and pull me away from better products. I'd say there's lessons to be learned from Anthem but will any lessons be learned? i'm sceptical given the nature of the major developers these days.
I am gutted for Anthem. Looked great on paper... product showcases... but lacked substance. I feel ripped off by Bioware / EA. I've not bought another EA game since. What makes me feel worse, I convinced 2 friends that this will be "the Destiny beater" and they spent money they didn't have on it. It's now used as a stick to beat me whenever I suggest games.
The only hope is they take the few good things from this and either make it a new game or do a heavily discounted Anthem 2.
You've missed a lot then. Icetide is about to end in two weeks which has been running for the past two months.
You've missed a lot then. Icetide is about to end in two weeks which has been running for the past two months.

So in the last 2 3 months the game got better? I loved the game but as WildWayz I felt ripped off by EA in the end and never logged into my Origin account after I uninstalled it. I got the top package £90 one as I was so keen to support the game:(
If the event is only running another 2 weeks then obviously it isn't any point to download and install 100GB or whatever the size is. I imagine that once the event is finished, the game will go back to the same old rubbish that made us leave. This pretty much defies the point, are they implementing something new? New events after the current Cataclysm event is finished? If not, it isn't much of a point to come back. It also looks like they just enticed people with a 3 month event to get the numbers up... and then what?
I too bought the £90 package... How close are they on the original roadmap now?


I know they ditched it, but is it literally just The Cataclysm in the last year?
I'm going to give this game another try since I subbed to the premium again, see if it's still a big pile of turd like it was previously.
Started playing again yesterday, had the game since launch so lvl 30. Updated it today and now it will not load?

Update: Ran repair and it loads ok now.
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So in the last 2 3 months the game got better? I loved the game but as WildWayz I felt ripped off by EA in the end and never logged into my Origin account after I uninstalled it. I got the top package £90 one as I was so keen to support the game:(
If the event is only running another 2 weeks then obviously it isn't any point to download and install 100GB or whatever the size is. I imagine that once the event is finished, the game will go back to the same old rubbish that made us leave. This pretty much defies the point, are they implementing something new? New events after the current Cataclysm event is finished? If not, it isn't much of a point to come back. It also looks like they just enticed people with a 3 month event to get the numbers up... and then what?

Yeah, it has greatly improved. Slowly getting better. New gear upgrades. Legendary Support and Melee is now a Weapon slot. Legendary used to be 788 then it got bumped to 930 and now it's 960 as well as level 80 ordinary gear and components. All guns are now level 80 as well. You'll only get level 80 gear and weapons on GrandMaster 3.

Melee is now two weapons, can either have Primer and Detonator. Colossus has a fire melee, Storm has a seeking fire and detonator melee, Ranger has a crazy OP detonator called Rampager and best of all, Interceptor's deadly acid blades. Deathstalker.

There are the new guns from the Cataclysm. Blade Slingers, Pulse accelerators and Volt Casters.

The gear, Steam Vent which is an upgraded Black Ice, deadly for Valkyries, it primes and detonates for combos.

Venom Storm for Colossus, its mortar launches acid that primes and detonates.

Ranger has an upgraded Cold Blooded called Arctic Tomb, it freezes and upon detonation explodes and freezes others all around for more combos upon detonation. Everything keeps freezing.

Interceptor has and upgrades Wraith Strike called Spectre's Flash. It detonates from its ghost.

A list of the new weapons.

The gear as well.

Many other perks the game has now and we're getting seasonal events regularly now. This is now the 3rd event if I remember correctly.

The game is slowly improving. A lot of new players including the veterans that still play it daily.

As for Cataclysm, it ended in November but as I said, it's now seasonal events and no doubt we'll get something nice with the overhaul.
I am gutted for Anthem. Looked great on paper... product showcases... but lacked substance. I feel ripped off by Bioware / EA. I've not bought another EA game since. What makes me feel worse, I convinced 2 friends that this will be "the Destiny beater" and they spent money they didn't have on it. It's now used as a stick to beat me whenever I suggest games.

Fully deserved tbh lol
I am gutted for Anthem. Looked great on paper... product showcases... but lacked substance. I feel ripped off by Bioware / EA. I've not bought another EA game since. What makes me feel worse, I convinced 2 friends that this will be "the Destiny beater" and they spent money they didn't have on it. It's now used as a stick to beat me whenever I suggest games.
Not once on paper or in demos did this game look good.

I swear some/many people who play video games just need a bit of OBJECTIVITY. so much hype and nonsense about absolute turds a lot of the time.
I expected it to be naff and not offer much long term but I have to disagree, it looked promising and was worth a go, I mean playing a loot shooter, flying around with mates and taking on challenges is exactly what many people enjoy.

They just screwed it up almost beyond repair for various reasons that have already been covered.

Very few expected it to be as bad as it was.

We all know the risks buying day one/pre ordering.
OK so gonna download the 80Gb and see how the game is, got some time to burn this weekend. I did like the game, not sure why some people think it was crap on paper, the movement and fighting was quite fluidic. Shooter looter in 3rd person F YEAH!!! I don't like FPS style games any more, been getting motion sickness. I don't get the point of Destiny, all that loot and yet you cannot even see it when you play. I imagine just in inventory screen?
I actually loved Mass Effect Andromeda and wish they would have done 2nd and 3rd part. I never had any of the bugs that people reported.

Will provide a genuine update for anyone that cares:) once I play it.
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