Yeah and your review was very in depth as well with all the additional modding etc. and yet you still got yours done before everyone else and I very much doubt that the last couple will be doing all of that as well so will take even less time to do a review.
This isn't the first time that this has happened. The other problem is that they have now given this community/forum a bad image in some ways. After this why should bitfenix or any other company for that matter do any more give aways like this if people can't keep their word?
When this happened before with a fan giveaway by OCUK I think quite a few people suggested (including me) that the people who didn't keep their word should be suspended until they get a review (decent enough quality, not just 2 photos and like 400 words on the product) done and then email one of the dons with the review and they can be un-suspended then, same should apply here.
I think if one guy can spend his time playing "World of Tanks" as well as posting away here just like the other guy posting away in threads suggesting components etc. they can use that time to get a 2-3 hour review done instead.
Im not sure what happened to Hono but he hasn't replied on the forum in ages :/
Where do you guys see this win percentage thing? :/
shashman, your bitfenix recon fan controller review must be very good if it is taking you this long to do, must be putting a lot of effort into it, whilst playing games........
Cool story bro.
Not that it's any of your business, but my life's been extremely hectic for the past couple of weeks. Not only that, but I have heard nothing from Bitfenix about this review, no guidelines, submission dates or anything.
I'll do the review when I have the time to, so kindly do one.
Oh yeah, your life must be so hectic yet you have time to play games etc.
You haven't had a couple of hours free time to take some photos and write a few paragraphs in the last 3 weeks? Sure.....
Bitfenix don't guide you on how to do a review, why do you need guidelines to help you, especially when you seemed to be very confident in writing a review up in your entry post.........
I don't think the bitfenix rep meant for you to take as long as this to do a review on a basic enough product and he even asked in the thread about the remaining reviews and you didn't bother replying back (and for the other bitfenix giveaways, all the people have got their reviews done within 2 weeks and some of the items required far more time spent on them than a fan controller i.e. their cases). If he had known how long you and the other guy were going to take (that is if either of you have even got any intentions of doing a review anyway, of course if you still have product that is........), I am sure that he would have picked someone else instead.
Also you got an item worth £30+ for free and all that was asked in return was a couple of hours of your time to review the product and that is your answer/attitude to Bitfenix, really impressive, I am sure that they will be glad to see that and any other company that comes on here giving stuff away for free in return for a review, so not only are you harming your image for getting give aways like this but you are also tainting the image of OcUK forums as well, which means that companies will see that you and the other guy cba doing a review and therefore won't bother doing this sort of thing.
Who the hell do you think you are?!
So I've had the odd 10mins on WoT, what of it? In the past month I've moved house, been ill, looked for work, started a new job, had personal problems, amongst a shedload of other FAR MORE IMPORTANT things to deal with, so shut up, mind your own business, find a hobby, and get a life.
P.S. If you cared about this forum, you wouldn't be trolling like you are and you certainly wouldn't be posting in this thread about this.