right so here we go... pics might be a bit big... not sure as they are from my dropbox.
IHS is off

look at all that gunk
Cleaned up a bit.... very shiny.... and no chipped corners on the die

( thank ***)
placed the chip back in.
blob of liquid pro
spread out using a cotton wool bud
IHS placed back on and clamped in place
Liquid pro on the outside
and now onto the results:
here is my pic (from the other thread) can see the temps are pushing almost 90oC
and now the after:
can see the max temp has been reduced to 73 oC...
some info about it.... getting the IHS was surprisingly hard... used one of these retractable craft knives with only a bit of the blade out to start (was worried it would be too easy to cut through the goo and didn't want to slide the die)
after doing each corner i pulled a little bit more of the blade out and proceeded to work from corner down the edge till the blade was in parallel with the side of the IHS and about 4-5 mill under.
after much more easing it finally pushed through and i was lucky the blade went straight into my finger before it could hit the silicone die xD
after some TCP and a plaster i was ready to go on. I used the craft knife to carefully scrape away at the grey/black sealant and removed most of it off processor and the inside of the IHS. next i used some industrial meths and cotton buds to clean away the intel **** paste

I then used the abrasive pad supplied with the liquid pro on the inner surface of the IHS to get rid of some of the ingrained paste and cleaned it again with meths. I did the same for the outer surface of the IHS too... can no longer see the writing... but oh well...

(also cleaned the H80 black with the pad and cotton buds with meths in a similar fashion)
then used the meths on the DIE itself and cleaned it up carefully.
after i left them to dry for a bit i gave a final rub with cotton buds to check there was no residue on anything left. next i installed the CPU in place in my mobo (pc on it's side ofc

next i did a test squeeze of the liquid pro onto some paper towels.... not much pressure is needed atall to get this stuff out so i recommend doing the same to get a feel for it. then put a small drop on the die and began to spread it with the cotton buds provided.
this stuff is a bit weird to spread.. at first it didn't seem to stick but then after a few ****/wipes it began to we the surface and became much easier to spread.... and with this stuff a little really goes a long long way..
so with the schizz spread over nicely i the carefully "placed" the IHS back onto the chip... now this was fiddly as hell!!! and i highly recommend removing any other hardware from around it i.e ram, gfx card, water blocks. as i put it on slightly squiff and then had to ever so slightly tap the edges with a scalpel to coax it back into a decent alignment. and btw i didn't use ad double sided tape... couldn't find any xD but i imagine it would help to stop it moving about more.
once i was happy it was reasonably straight i pulled the clamp down (which moved it again slightly but only by 1mm max

) and thanked god that bit was over with.... just the easy stuff left.
so i then put another small amount on the top of the IHS and spread it out in a similar manner... i did see there was a little bit of excess and really didnt fancy is spilling out the sides so i took a clean cotton bud and wiped a few times so it would pick up a little each time.
then the H80 block on and tightened... job's a good 'un
then came the moment of truth... would it turn back on or had i killed everything xD turned on the PSU switch and the mobos green light came on.... so far so good. went to turn the pc on..... nothing...
OH ****!!!!!! checked the mobo light... it had gone out.... uh oh.... luckily it was just the kettle lead had come loose... a firm push back it... a switch on.... and IT LIVES!!!!
in summary.... rather fiddly... take you sweet time... don't rush EVER! less is more. and check your power leads xD