Anyone wanna give me the lowdown on this mmorpg? ive played pretty much everything mmorpg wise since EQ1 but i kinda stopped after Elder Scrolls online, ive seen some screenshots of this game, they look good, but whats the actual content like? ive read its pretty old school in regards to zero handholding, which sounds good, but whats the endgame content like? PVE orientated or is it PVP orientated?
Im waiting on Camelot Unchained for PVP, as its the spiritual successor to DAOC, nothing else has ever come close to the RVR that DAOC had, so im hoping that CU captures that, and im waiting on Pantheon for PVE, but in the interim i want a decent PVE orientated mmorpg to play.
I believe BDO is a grinder of sorts right? kinda like EQ1 was back in the day, are there any dungeons and raids? im not overly fussed too much about pve raids truth be told, but i do like a good dungeon to trawl through and farm for gear etc, find it makes a nice break from just endlessly farming mobs for xp.
Any AA system or talent system? whats the crafting like? is it viable for gearing? anyone who was an old school EQ1 lover played this? would be interested to hear honest thoughts.