Black Desert Online

Any idea what time the rest of us will be able to play on the 3rd?

I think it's midday Westie, and then the servers are down for a scheduled 4 hours. So don't expect to be playing before 4pm on the 3rd.

Unless it's 8am start but then servers are down for maintenance for 4 hours taking it to midday, Either way, pointless waking at 8am to play.
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Undecided on what type to got for i was going to go warrior but wizard and sorcerer look fun. One thing is for sure there is a lot to wrap my head around.

Hopefully be on tomorrow after work at 5pm. Family name is Warg, Character is Valdr
Well, really am not enjoying it at all. NOTHING is explained, interface is just spammed constantly when I'm partied up. The performance for the looks is just painful.

So, not for me. What a waste of £30.

My partner seems to be enjoying it though.
I knd of like the idea that nothing is explained, means you have to go and find out for yourself. Probably why I was so addicted to EQ many years ago.

Am looking forward to this tomorrow! Have explained to the wife that she's lost me for the evening :D
Well, really am not enjoying it at all. NOTHING is explained, interface is just spammed constantly when I'm partied up. The performance for the looks is just painful.

So, not for me. What a waste of £30.

My partner seems to be enjoying it though.

this is how games should be agnes, no hand holding. This is all about learning and achieving things on your own. I love that
It's one of only few games i play in borderless window so i can keep flicking back between the guides. It really does drop you in it but once you get to grips with it, its alright.
I'm playing Valkyrie and I'm enjoying the combat more.

I am struggling to like the whole over complicated quest system, and how easy combat is. I miss the old days of social MMO's where you had to party up to do quests etc.

I've been playing for about 6 hours now, and I've only spoken to my gf next to me who is playing. no one else in game. Feels really lonely.

Also, I'm having a bad day, possibly effecting my mood on the game lol
Having a complete blast in this game, playing as a warrior and i feel like some kind of insane killing machine ! only died once, i had a pop at a purple elite goblin thing.

Really enjoying the complexity as well, only briefly dabbled in CBT2 and haven't read any guides, no idea at all how nodes and workers operate, don't even know how to summon my horse (which i think is "parked" in a stable somewhere i can't remember).

Also no idea about housing, click on a villa and i don't seem to be able to buy/rent it. I have enough contribution points too.

Anyway, i'm sure i will figure it all out after some more playing (only got to level 15), tried a Valk and Sorcerer first, but warrior seemed the best fit.
cheers fella , I've seen some of his vids but missed this one somehow.

Really struggling to pick a main !! The sorc is a lot of fun but it's going to be a bitch to play in PvP. Going to start a Tamer later, haven't seen anyone play one so far.

So, after my temper tantrums last night, I rolled a Valkyrie and my god, SO much better. Tonight, my gf and I will be shooting to make a raft first thing and go exploring.
Gutted I missed out on the £100 pre order one -.- Sadly because of that I won't play which is a shame, I hope you all enjoy it though it looks awesome.
Gutted I missed out on the £100 pre order one -.- Sadly because of that I won't play which is a shame, I hope you all enjoy it though it looks awesome.

That makes no sense? lol

Not sure if tongue in cheek or genuine sadness on missing a €99 pre order (which is £76 fyi).
That makes no sense? lol

Not sure if tongue in cheek or genuine sadness on missing a €99 pre order (which is £76 fyi).

No it was genuine sadness, I always get the top pre ordered/founders because I like the bonuses you get and from my understanding some of the stuff you get even if cosmetic there is no way to get it any other way than if you pre ordered? Correct me if I'm wrong though please.
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