Thats my mistake, I didn't make myself very clear there and I should have made this more clear - I wasn't talking about the reviews of other POC led films, I was specifically talking about Black Panther 1 & 2 - where because of the overwhelmingly positive reviews BP1 got (96% positive on RT etc) as the "first big mainstream Black superhero" film (which is completely wrong but was the all the press talked about at the time) it means that, in today's political/racial climate and certainly post Boseman's untimely death, a lot of reviewers for BP2 may feel unable to give BP2 an "honest" review for fear of potential backlash, irrespective of whether the film deserves such high numbers or not - so my post specifically about BP 2 only, not other POC films, sorry for any misunderstanding there.
I wouldn't say "confident", more "its my best guess" so if I had to guess, I would say, irrespective of how good the film actually is (and it may actually deserve a 9/10-10/10 score), that The Guardian will probably give it a 9/10 alongside Metro & The Independent and, for the US MSM I'd guess that The Hollywood Reporter, Rolling Stone & The Verge for example will give it very high marks irrespective of its actual quality. Thats not an exhaustive list and I've tried to stay relatively neutral with my picks (no far left review websites etc) but my issue over this specific film is that it could genuinely be deserving of 9/10 reviews, or it could be 1/10 garbage, but without critics feeling able to give an honest review and risk a backlash then the reviews will be useless.